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comprehensive plan. Therefore staff has prepared an analysis reviewing the <br /> Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code. <br /> City staff concludes in its latest determination of compliance, however, with the <br /> following statement with which we respectfully and vigorously disagree. <br /> Staff's analysis finds that the Roseville Zoning Code is consistent with Comprehensive <br /> Plan and therefore the regulations within the Zoning Code are enforceable <br /> 6) The existing Zoning Ordinance allows rejection of Wal-Mart <br /> According to our reading, this proposal is not permitted in our current zoning and <br /> should not have been approved by city planning staff. This district is Community <br /> Mixed-Use, which is described in the Comprehensive Plan in Chapter 4 on Land <br /> Use as, "The mix of land uses[that]may include Medium-and High-Density <br /> Residential, Office, Community Business, Institutional, and Parks and Open Space uses" <br /> (page 4-8). <br /> Note that there is absolutely no reference to retail uses. If one assumes the <br /> current staff criteria that it is permitted since retail is not specifically prohibited, <br /> then rationally heavy industrial and mining would also be allowed. <br /> In our view, Wal-Mart does not qualify as a community business, but rather as a <br /> regional business. Regional business, according to the Comp Plan, includes <br /> "freestanding large format stores[and] is located in places with visibility and access <br /> from the regional highway system (I35W and State Highway 36)" (page 4-8). <br /> The Target store location is situated in a land-use designated Regional Business. <br /> There was an effort made during the Comprehensive Plan update several years <br /> ago to designate the area Community Business, but several council members, <br /> staff, and the Planning Commission insisted that its land use category fit the <br /> regional nature of this big-box retailer. <br /> It is noteworthy that this comparison is no longer being made by those who <br /> insisted on this land use designation but are now arguing that Wal-Mart is a <br /> community business use. <br /> The current zoning ordinance allows some discretion to the City when it comes to <br /> the question of approving plats. Section 1017.23 1102.03 entitled <br /> Requirements Governing Approval of Preliminary. <br /> P/atstates under subsection A the following: <br /> a. Recommendations by Planning Commission: The Planning <br /> Commission may recommend and the City Council may require such <br /> changes or revisions as the City Council deems necessary for the <br /> health, safety, general welfare and convenience of the City. <br /> SWARN Appeal--luly 2, 2012 9 <br />