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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 20 <br /> would need to delete spam as applicable. However, Councilmember Pust <br /> opined that this small dilemma did not negate being involved with your local <br /> government and civicly engaged. Councilmember Pust admitted that this had <br /> created a bump in the road; and was not communicated as well as it should have <br /> been before responding to the data request; however, Councilmember Pust not- <br /> ed that there was nothing wrong with the request, but there should have been a <br /> process in place to let citizens and the City Council be made aware in a more <br /> timely manner of what was occurring. <br /> Regarding concerns raised by Ms. White, Mayor Roe questioned the City Attor- <br /> ney on whether personal banking and/or utility billing information was consid- <br /> ered public data. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan assured the public and City Council that personal finan- <br /> cial records were not considered public data, they were private. City Attorney <br /> Gaughan was unsure on what portion of a utility bill was considered public (e.g. <br /> usage, address). <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe as to whether there were any limits to data requests <br /> or the sale of that data by a third party, City Attorney Gaughan <br /> nega- <br /> tively, that public data is public data, and it could not be dis osed with any re- <br /> strictions placed upon it. Y <br /> Discussion ensued regarding remedies in the future through lobbying the legis- <br /> lature based on current electronic data issues; how staff defined the dollar or the formula used to determine staff time in providing the infor- <br /> mation; and requesting additional information from City Manager Malinen on <br /> how many e-mail addresses were provided for this specific request. <br /> Public Ms. White questioned what prohibitteednMr. Berglund from distribthe in- <br /> formation; and City Attorney Gaughan responded that there were uno prohibi- <br /> tions, that it was public information. <br /> Matthew Snyder, 2201 Draper Avenue <br /> Responding to Mayor Roe's mention of limiting data, and from his experience <br /> in working with that in the past, Mr. Snyder suggested that it may be worth- <br /> while to consider if other limitations could be made for public data, referencing <br /> other state models that differed from the State of MN. Mr. Snyder questioned if <br /> there were any City systems requiring e-mails to function (e.g. sign up for Park <br /> and Recreation classes or programs), and if so, suggested Mr. Snyder questioned if the City purchased that those be re- <br /> lists that would result in that data becoming hased data from any third party <br /> parties may then not be interested in working with the City,suggested that those <br />