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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 27 <br /> part of the condition for approval of this request, therefore improving drainage <br /> somewhat. Ms. Bloom advised that staff would be bringing information for- <br /> ward to the City Council for authorization to address this watershed area within <br /> the next 6-8 months, at which time staff would meet with the neighborhood to <br /> review those mitigation efforts with them. <br /> Because the applicant is not proposing to pave anything additional, Ms. Bloom <br /> noted that this was the rationale for staff's comments in the staff report about <br /> the application not requiring any mitigation as it didn't meet the threshold to do <br /> so. Ms. Bloom noted that the area in the back would remain grass; and the con- <br /> dition that no snow be stored in that area in the future, should further alleviate <br /> issues for the neighborhood. Ms. Bloom addressed the unfortunate route for <br /> runoff through Mr. Leopold's garage, and the Storm Water Plan currently in <br /> process to address that situation and provide alternative routing; thus negating <br /> the need for the applicant to provide a storm water mitigation plan. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Ms. Bloom confirmed that a Storm Water Plan for <br /> this, as well as other problematic areas of the City, was currently underway and <br /> would be brought forward to the City Council upon its completion in order to <br /> receive their direction and authorization to proceed. Ms. Bloom noted that this <br /> was an infrastructure issue and a high priority for the City. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked if the applicant would be willing to extend the <br /> City's 60-day review period to allow time for them to interact with the neigh- <br /> borhood and staff to reach a resolution or clarify the application. <br /> Mr. Barton responded negatively, based on their need to proceed with the sub- <br /> division and put the residential property on the market as soon as possible to re- <br /> coup their expenses. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Pust, Mr. Lloyd confirmed that this action <br /> would make the existing commercial property larger and the residential parcel <br /> smaller. Councilmember Pust asked if the addition to the existing parcel, al- <br /> ready having significant structure/asphalt on it, triggered any different analysis <br /> for impervious surface coverage for that lot, or if they were grandfathered in. <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that, if the application caused some of that existing property <br /> to be paved or further expanded it would change the analysis; however, addi- <br /> tional green space was actually being added through staff's recommended con- <br /> ditions, seen as an improvement from their perspective. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Pust, Ms. Bloom advised that the zoning des- <br /> ignation for commercial areas such as that of the applicant did not create a min- <br />