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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 26 <br /> cation under current City Code. Mr. Lloyd advised that at the time of his con- <br /> versations with Mr. Tschida during the spring, he was not them aware of this <br /> application coming forward, and based his responses only on his conversations <br /> with the surveyor to-date. Therefore, Mr. Lloyd advised that he was unable to <br /> let the neighbors know what to expect for public notice until an actual applica- <br /> tion came forward, with staff proceeding as per City Code. <br /> Regarding fencing, Mr. Lloyd noted that there had been some discussion of that <br /> as a condition of approval (Section 7.c of the staff report), with gates installed <br /> on existing fencing as applicable if the easements are obstructed in anyway. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the discussion prior to this of the violation of <br /> public trust; and questioned how Mr. Lloyd could defend staff's perception that <br /> this wasn't issue, when he had apparently received phone calls from neighbors. <br /> Whether required specifically by code or not, Councilmember McGehee opined <br /> that staff needed to use common sense and courtesy to notify citizens. <br /> Regarding the fencing, Councilmember McGehee suggested that staff facilitate <br /> discussions among the neighbors and applicant to determine the issues, refer- <br /> encing the informational meetings held by City Engineer Debra Bloom as that <br /> department worked with neighborhoods. Councilmember McGehee opined that <br /> these were important issues to this community; and referenced previous staff <br /> comments regarding them not being aware that a proposed asphalt plant was <br /> problematic. Councilmember McGehee noted that the City was aware that the <br /> storm sewer system was not capable of handling rain falls received recently, and <br /> was fully aware of this existing problem. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of the request to table action until <br /> additional information can be provided to neighbors. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Lloyd advised that it was not his understand- <br /> ing that a fence was part of the proposal, or something being recommended by <br /> staff. <br /> City Engineer Debra Bloom advised that staff had been working with this <br /> neighborhood for a decade to add capacity, with the Sherren/Dellwood area <br /> identified as a problem area in the City's Storm Water Management Plan. Ms. <br /> Bloom reviewed the various problems in that area, already identified over the <br /> last year, and extensive modeling currently underway and scheduled for com- <br /> pletion yet this year, to mitigate a portion of this issues. Ms. Bloom clarified <br /> that this had all been undertaken well before this application came before staff <br /> for review. Specific to this application, Ms. Bloom recognized that there was a <br /> catch basin that always clogged with debris, and this application provided a per- <br /> fect opportunity to address flooding issues through acquiring the easements as <br />