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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23, 2012 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Gary Grefenberg,91 Mid Oaks Lane <br /> Mr. Grefenberg emphatically echoed the comments of Ms. White; and asked for <br /> a legal opinion on why the request needed to be complied with, and additional <br /> information on whom this person was making the request. Mr. Grefenberg also <br /> questioned if other municipalities were receiving similar requests, and how they <br /> were responding. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg expressed concern that this notice to citizens of the action taken <br /> by staff in distributing the information had been provided at 3:15 on a Friday af- <br /> ternoon; and opined that it was similar to Washington, D.C. distributing unsa- <br /> vory information immediately prior to a weekend. Mr. Grefenberg opined that <br /> it would have been better to alert citizens to who was requesting the infor- <br /> mation; and expressed concern that this would make it even more difficult to get <br /> people involved in Roseville, without this breach of trust. Mr. Grefenberg stat- <br /> ed that when he had signed up for the e-mail list with the City, he had been as- <br /> sured that this e-mail information would not be shared with anyone outside the <br /> City; and questioned why that promise was broken for residents of Roseville. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg also suggested that a policy be developed, addressing the value <br /> of e-mail listings identifying Roseville citizens interested in civic affairs. Mr. <br /> Grefenberg opined that this raised many issues; and asked for responses to his <br /> questions: who sent it; whether this practice will extend to any time an e-mail is <br /> sent to individual City Councilmembers or directed confidentially to staff; and <br /> does this affect all disbursements lists on the City's database. Mr. Grefenberg <br /> reiterated his concern with how and when this occurred. <br /> 4. Council Communications, Reports, Announcements and Housing and Redevelop- <br /> ment Authority (HRA) Report <br /> 5. Recognitions,Donations, Communications <br /> 6. Approve Minutes <br /> Comments and corrections to draft minutes had been submitted by the City Council <br /> prior to tonight's meeting and those revisions were incorporated into the draft pre- <br /> sented in the Council packet <br /> a. Approve Minutes of July 16, 2012 Meeting <br /> Mayor Roe noted suggested revisions to the meeting minutes provided by <br /> SWARN that had just been received tonight as a bench handout, with the City <br /> Council not having had time to review their suggestions for incorporation. <br />