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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 32 <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked that staff also inspect the roof as noted by Mr. <br /> Snyder. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Munson advised that, if staff or their general <br /> contractor observed work needed that was more extensive than anticipated or <br /> authorized, they would return to the City Council for further direction. Mr. <br /> Munson, specific to the roof, advised that it had been inspected by staff, and <br /> while old and needing replacement, no leaking had been observed at this point. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee; Pust; Johnson; Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> d. Authorize Community Development Department to Perform an Abatement <br /> for Unresolved Violations of City Code at 2609 Snelling Curve <br /> Permit Coordinator Don Munson reviewed violations at this single-family <br /> home, vacant and for sale, located at 2609 Snelling Curve; with current owners <br /> listed as Olta Holdings, LLC. Mr. Munson noted that this nuisance notice had <br /> been originated by staff. <br /> Mr. Munson advised that the latest notice to the property owner had resulted in <br /> a request by the owner for additional time, with the buildings remaining as is <br /> until they could be sold. However, Mr. Munson advised that staff continued to <br /> recommend the abatement, with no additional time allowed given the accessory <br /> building's present condition with that structure being considered for immediate <br /> abatement under the Hazardous Building Statute. <br /> Mr. Munson provided an update, including pictures, of current violations, con- <br /> sisting of the single-family home and accessory building in disrepair (violations <br /> of City Code, Sections 407.02.J & K). Mr. Munson estimated that the cost of <br /> the abatement for repair of portions of the house; and repair of the roof structure <br /> and/or re-roof the accessory building at a total amount of$25,000.00. <br /> Mr. Munson advised that the property owner was present at tonight's meeting, <br /> and wished to comment. <br /> Property Owner Joe Taylor <br /> Mr. Taylor advised that he was one of two owners for this property; and noted <br /> that to the extent of the condition of the home and the holes in the accessory <br /> building, they had recently secured that accessory structure. Mr. Taylor advised <br /> that he had spoken with Mr. Talbot regarding using this as a burn house; how- <br /> ever, had been told this annual exercise had been completed this year, and an- <br /> other opportunity would not be available until 2013. Mr. Taylor advised that <br /> the house was not currently in use, and was quite dilapidated with no intention <br />