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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 39 <br /> at Rosedale 6-8 years ago, and the Police Department not addressing additional <br /> security needs with the redevelopment. <br /> Chief Mathwig noted that this plan is not meant specific to Wal-Mart, but was <br /> based on the impacts to the Police Department from any big box retailer, as well <br /> as support retailers in the vicinity. Also, Chief Mathwig noted that this Twin <br /> Lakes area has been a "sleepy area" of vacant land and truck terminals until <br /> now, and did not overly tax his department. Chief Mathwig noted that typical <br /> calls have been for theft of copper wire, transients, or occasional semi trailers <br /> stolen. However, as the area proceeded to develop, he anticipated ramifications, <br /> and the proposed Security Plan was intended to address those impacts, at least <br /> in part, and hopefully serve as a foundation for future redevelopment throughout <br /> the community and police service requirements. Chief Mathwig opined that it <br /> was obvious that once large retailers and businesses developed in any area, po- <br /> lice response needs would dramatically increase. Chief Mathwig noted that this <br /> became obvious with the redevelopment of Rosedale, and hadn't been proac- <br /> tively addressed at that time,but evident in hindsight. <br /> Chief Mathwig advised that staff was currently in discussions with Wal-Mart <br /> representatives about security, and plan details were not yet finalized; however, <br /> he noted that Wal-Mart was very receptive to agreeing to work on these security <br /> issues. <br /> Chief Mathwig used several examples (e.g. parking area lighting, full-time secu- <br /> rity personnel staffing). Chief Mathwig opined that the proposed location <br /> would certainly be visible to I-35W traffic, creating a potentially larger volume <br /> of traffic than normal, and was an unintended by-product of retail. Chief <br /> Mathwig advised that this Plan would be a response protocol asked of any larger <br /> stores by the Police Department to provide us with their losses in detail to pro- <br /> vide sufficient documentation for the City Attorney to prosecute violators. <br /> Chief Mathwig advised that this could incorporate on-site loss prevention staff- <br /> ing; state-of-the-art camera systems at point of sale sites; and sophisticated IT as <br /> the backbone to support that data, such as identifiable imaging for tracking pur- <br /> poses. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the suggested enhanced lighting sounded <br /> like a prison yard; and would definitely have negative impacts on the surround- <br /> ing neighborhoods, as well as limiting future residential development adjacent <br /> to this area. Councilmember McGehee further questioned the cost to the City to <br /> interface with these sophisticated data systems. <br /> Chief Mathwig advised that the City's IT system is already available, and there <br /> should be no additional cost to the City; and the identifiable imagine was simply <br /> indicating digital photos, which most larger retailers already provide. Chief <br />