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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 40 <br /> Mathwig advised that the only staff time involved, and subsequent costs, would <br /> be for negotiation and approval processes related to the Security Plan itself. <br /> Councilmember Pust, noted that Chief Mathwig, in past presentations, had <br /> talked about recouping costs from larger commercial developments, an ongoing <br /> discussion in her eight (8) years serving on the City Council, supporting evi- <br /> dence that new commercial development is directly tied to new crime along <br /> with the other positive benefits it provided. However, Councilmember Pust <br /> opined that she was now hearing a different tone from Chief Mathwig of what <br /> he thought was appropriate for a larger commercial retailer. Councilmember <br /> Pust sought specifics as to Wal-Mart's typical design of their stores (e.g. light- <br /> ing, full-time security staffing), and opined that the City may be attempting to <br /> take credit for things already in place by Wal-Mart in their typical business <br /> model. <br /> Chief Mathwig advised that development of a Security Plan was intended to re- <br /> duce the number of calls; and noted that most of the Roseville Police Detec- <br /> tives' work to-date with Wal-Mart was through their University Avenue store, <br /> and that data transfer and technology did not meet his expectations for this <br /> store. <br /> Councilmember Pust opined that many of the suggestions were already done by <br /> Wal-Mart in their own self-interest; however, they did not address City costs. <br /> Councilmember Pust asked for language in the Security Plan seeking contribu- <br /> tion by Wal-Mart to the City for extra time needed from law enforcement staff; <br /> and expressed her confidence in Chief Mathwig to pursue that in the best inter- <br /> est to the City. Councilmember Pust stated that she was not happy to simply see <br /> infrastructure development addressed, since her expectations were that Wal- <br /> Mart would be doing that anyway. <br /> Chief Mathwig advised that such an option for cost reimbursement was present- <br /> ed to Wal-Mart,but not found acceptable. <br /> Councilmember Pust expressed her lack of interest in whether or not Wal-Mart <br /> found a condition acceptable; opining that every new condition added at the <br /> previous meeting was now being stripped away, and based on discussion to- <br /> night, she might be able to agree to those actions. However, Councilmember <br /> Pust opined that this Security Plan had not been talked about previously, and if <br /> it was intended to address the additional costs for the City of Roseville, she <br /> strongly suggested that staff come up with language to address that cost, and for <br /> the overall benefit of Roseville citizens. <br /> Chief Mathwig opined that he thought this proposed Security Plan was a better <br /> recommendation than the previous cap of 300 calls, as it provided an incentive <br />