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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 43 <br /> 3) To allow time to step back, stop the rush, and allow Roseville as a <br /> suburban community with little space remaining for development. <br /> 4) The significant number of people opposed to this proposal. <br /> Mr. Strohmeier opined that this was a big deal for the community, and he had <br /> heard from numerous people telling him they are opposed to a Wal-Mart locat- <br /> ing in Roseville. In his role working with elected officials on a daily basis, Mr. <br /> Strohmeier acknowledged the difficult role of the City Council. Mr. Strohmeier <br /> concluded by stating, if the proposal should go through, he was in full support <br /> of Councilmember Pust's intent to keep public safety concerns in the forefront <br /> and to proactively address them. <br /> Mayor Roe, as Councilmembers proceeded to deliberate, opined that the prima- <br /> ry issue is the condition related to police calls and an agreement for a Security <br /> Plan. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Trudgeon responded that dol- <br /> lar figures for infrastructure improvements were provided in the draft Develop- <br /> ment Agreement versus percentages, but represented roughly 25%, as negotiat- <br /> ed by the parties. Mr. Trudgeon noted that they could be revised at the direction <br /> of the City Council; however, staff was recommending this figure based on its <br /> review of the potential funds that could be realized if a Chapter 429 process for <br /> assessment was followed that would only provide approximately 10% versus <br /> 25% as currently negotiated in the Agreement. Even though there could be <br /> some cost differential, Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff felt the $400,000 was <br /> more than sufficient for Wal-Mart's portion of the redevelopment area. <br /> Councilmember McGehee, for the protection of taxpayers, opined that a per- <br /> centage would be better; and urged the City Council to change to a percentage <br /> rather than a fixed dollar amount. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that there was nothing in the Development <br /> Agreement stating that Wal-Mart had to build on that land, and expressed con- <br /> cern that Wal-Mart could hold it as uncompleted or vacant land. Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee alleged that Wal-Mart has a history of vacating buildings and <br /> leaving them hard to re-use due to their size and design, as well as not maintain- <br /> ing those vacant buildings, and suggested a provision in the Development <br /> Agreement that the project had to proceed. Councilmember McGehee sought to <br /> provide protection for Roseville residents that should Wal-Mart close after they <br /> open for business, the City would have some protection against that possibility. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that this meant the land would remain in its current condi- <br /> tion; and advised that the project was required to be initiated within one (1) year <br /> of approval or the process needed to start over, and if approved tonight, it would <br /> become null and void. Mr. Trudgeon noted that Wal-Mart does not yet have <br />