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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 42 <br /> the prosecution process, and was confident that good cases were provided in the <br /> past and would continue to be provided for the Department by Wal-Mart. <br /> Mr. Ramsey noted that, while he was fully aware of the high standards of the <br /> Roseville Police Department in prosecuting offenses, Wal-Mart also had high <br /> standards. Mr. Ramsey reviewed the various areas in which Wal-Mart ad- <br /> dressed those standards, whether through on-site personnel, a salaried manager <br /> responsible for the safety and security of the store at all times, and evolving <br /> CCTV technology and equipment. Mr. Ramsey noted that this is also addressed <br /> through basic facility design, lighting, signage, surveillance camera quality and <br /> placement. <br /> Mr. Ramsey expressed his expressed his continued interest in working with <br /> Chief Mathwig in developing the Security Plan, anticipating that City expecta- <br /> tions will be met or exceeded. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Vivian Ramalingam,2182 Acorn Road <br /> Ms. Ramalingam noted that her biggest concern had already voted on, but it <br /> bore repeating, opining that there was a discrepancy between the Comprehen- <br /> sive Plan and the Zoning Code. Ms. Ramalingam expressed further concern, as <br /> noted by Councilmember Pust, that when the applicant objects to a condition, it <br /> was removed. Ms. Ramalingam expressed her personal concern with the haste <br /> for these deliberations, especially as she reviewed the comments made by fel- <br /> low citizens at previous meetings. Ms. Ramalingam opined that no other Rose- <br /> ville business contemplated a police interference rate to the same degree as <br /> Wal-Mart, whether or not Wal-Mart paid for that service. Ms. Ramalingam ex- <br /> pressed further concern with the additional traffic and impediments for vehicu- <br /> lar and pedestrian traffic. <br /> Peter Strohmeier,2735 Rice Street,Apt. #206 <br /> Mr. Strohmeier clarified that he was speaking as a private citizen, and not in his <br /> capacity as a Roseville Planning Commissioner; and duly noted that he was one <br /> of two Commissioners opposing the most recent finding that Wal-Mart was a <br /> permitted use. <br /> Mr. Strohmeier asked that the City oppose the Final Plat based on the following: <br /> 1) Wal-Mart is a free-standing store, and should be designated as a Re- <br /> gional Business, consistent with that of Target, a comparable and <br /> competing business. <br /> 2) There is an obvious conflict between the Comprehensive Plan and <br /> Zoning Code, citing the December 9, 2011 City Attorney Letter and <br /> case law supporting that position (e.g. 2006 Mendota Heights land use <br /> case); and a presentation made by the Attorney firm of Fredrikson & <br /> Byron on land use. <br />