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Regular City Council Meeting AND <br /> Board of Adjustments and Appeals <br /> Monday,July 23,2012 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 9. General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> 10. Presentations <br /> a. Central Park Foundation <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed members of the Central Park Foundation. <br /> Patricia Johnson Nygaard, President of the Foundation, and Ms. Carol Erickson <br /> were the presenters, with Foundation Board Member Mr. Harve Moen in the <br /> audience. <br /> Ms. Nygaard announced the upcoming "Flying Colors Community Festival" on <br /> Thursday, August 9, 2012 from 5:00—9:00 p.m. at the Dale Street entrance; and <br /> sponsored by the Central Park Foundation. Ms. Nygaard invited everyone to at- <br /> tend this fundraiser to support Central Park improvements. <br /> Ms. Erickson echoed that invitation, and encouraged attendance to "fly a kite" <br /> and have the opportunity for hot air balloon rides. <br /> b. Joint Meeting with Housing& Redevelopment Authority <br /> HRA Members present were: Chair Dean Maschka; Vice Chair Bill Majerus; <br /> and Members Sue Elkin; William Masche; Kelly Quam; Vicki Lee. HRA Ex- <br /> ecutive Director Patrick Trudgeon and Housing Program Coordinator Jeanne <br /> Kelsey were present from staff. <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed HRA members to this annual joint meeting of the bodies. <br /> Chair Maschka, in his opening remarks, advised Councilmembers that the HRA <br /> had just completed an update of their Strategic Plan form 2012-2016, included <br /> in tonight's packet, along with an Action Plan to pursue those outlined activities <br /> at the direction of the City Council. Chair Maschka opined that this had been <br /> one of the more productive and dynamic strategy sessions held by the HRA to- <br /> date, and expressed appreciation to the facilitation by Ms. Barbara Raye in those <br /> efforts. Chair Maschka advised that Vice Chair Majerus and Member Masche <br /> would speak to sections included in Attachment A of materials; and he would <br /> conclude comments, at which time the HRA sought feedback from the City <br /> Council on the updated Strategic Plan going forward. <br /> Vice Chair Bill Majerus reviewed the history to-date of the HRA established in <br /> 2002, and first meeting in 2003; reviewing the original mission, operating prin- <br /> ciples and vision statement developed and detailed in Attachment A. Vice <br /> Chair Majerus noted that the HRA had moved from a consultant-based Board to <br /> dedicated staffing through Community Development Director Trudgeon serving <br /> as the Executive Director of the HRA and a dedicated staff position of part-time <br />