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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 13,2012 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Additional discussion included the Commission's representation of member cities <br /> and the City Council representation of its citizenry; recent surveys and needs ascer- <br /> tainment including various focus groups throughout the ten (10) member cities to <br /> consider the overall communication needs of those communities; ability for mem- <br /> ber cities to deny a franchise if the provider seemed unresponsive during negotia- <br /> tions; and regular meetings among the ten (10) member cities to ensure the commis- <br /> sion is meeting their needs and adequately negotiating on their behalf with Com- <br /> cast. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding identifying code violations and assurances that Com- <br /> cast would be monitored to ensure they made necessary corrections to address those <br /> violations; the commission performing a follow-up audit in the near future to ensure <br /> corrections are made and to address how such violations are handled in the future; <br /> coordination with the City's code enforcement staff in ensuring compliance. <br /> Member Willmus noted the complaints he fields from residents not having cable <br /> and their confusion and/or inability to obtain the Universal Access Service required <br /> of Comcast to provide. Councilmember Willmus noted a frequent complaint is in <br /> their interaction with Comcast personnel apparently unwilling to cooperate in them <br /> receiving this cable access. <br /> Ms. Wilson stated for Councilmembers and residents that, if they experienced such <br /> a problem, to contact her directly and she would intercede for them. Ms. Wilson <br /> noted that, unless she was aware of the problem, she could not make sure it was <br /> fixed. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Ms. Wilson advised that she could re- <br /> view numbers of those not currently receiving Universal Access Service as deter- <br /> mined during their recent survey, and would provide the information to City Man- <br /> ager Malinen to forward to the City Council. <br /> Further discussion included how the City could validate the amount of money or <br /> services the City was receiving as part of the franchise fee; and how to ensure the <br /> provider was being forthcoming rather than evasive. Ms. Wilson noted that as part <br /> of last year's audit, the auditor used had previously worked for Comcast in their <br /> compliance audit area and was familiar with their internal operations. Ms. Wilson <br /> noted that discrepancies were found, and noted this provided a challenge for cities <br /> and the commission in determining how often a franchise fee audit was done, since <br /> they were expensive to perform. <br /> Councilmember Johnson personally encouraged the commission, from a business <br /> standpoint and with the City as a customer, to continue frequent audits. Coun- <br /> cilmember Johnson noted that, when he hears about books not being able to with- <br /> stand formal review, it may be time to look for alternatives and not support that par- <br />