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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 13, 2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> ticular firm. Councilmember Johnson opined that it behooved a firm to keep their <br /> books accurate and accessible. <br /> Ms. Wilson advised that the commission is hoping to perform more frequent audits <br /> to ensure compliance; and even though they are expensive, they should be part of <br /> the commission's due diligence; and done at a minimum of every 2-3 years. <br /> Mayor Roe, in conclusion, noted that the commission had two (2) functions: the <br /> regulatory function, and community/media/television access channel, funded by the <br /> "PEG" fees, requiring strategic planning and alternative funding development to <br /> preserve that service among the ten (10) communities. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Ms. Wilson for her update; and asked that, if citizens are inter- <br /> est in more information or clarification, they contact Ms. Wilson at the commission. <br /> b. Joint Meeting with Human Rights Commission (HRC) <br /> Members of the Commission present included: Chair Gary Grefenberg; Vice Chair <br /> David Singleton; and Commissioners Jill Brisbois; Kristin Doneen; Wayne Groff; <br /> Kaying Thao and Youth Commissioners: Joan Dao; Marie Siliciano. <br /> Chair Grefenberg reviewed the RCA dated August 13, 2012, detailing the current <br /> activities of the HRC, its accomplishments since their last report to the City Coun- <br /> cil; their work plan for the remainder o the year; and their discussion points and <br /> questions of the City Council for tonight's meeting. <br /> Chair Grefenberg noted that the Civic Engagement Task Force was finalizing their <br /> report to the City Council, anticipated for presentation later this fall. One of the ar- <br /> eas found by the Task Force was the lack of representation or involvement in com- <br /> munity activism by the 32%population of renters in Roseville. <br /> Youth Commissioner Dao reported on youth activities, importance of issues for up- <br /> coming elections in Roseville, and the upcoming voter referendum issues. <br /> While Councilmember Wilimus recognized the various accomplishments of the <br /> HRC, he noted that one under-represented group in the community was receiving <br /> significant attention, but questioned what the HRC was doing to expand and foster <br /> relationships among other under-represented or marginalized groups in the commu- <br /> nity(e.g. Karen community and ELL families in the School District). <br /> Member Thao noted that those groups had been on the HRC's list for a long time; <br /> however, she noted how time consuming the constitutional amendments had been <br /> for the group's time and energy; not allowing time to revisit other"wish list" items. <br /> Member Groff noted that there was not as much work done to-date with these <br /> groups as he would like, and while he had achieved nice interaction with Karen rep- <br />