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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 13,2012 <br /> Page 15 <br /> butions and civic activists already in place, as well as involvement of new people <br /> throughout the community in this dynamic group. Chair Grefenberg noted that <br /> there was significant interest from those citizens in continuing to play a role; how- <br /> ever, without more staff support he wasn't sure that was possible. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested that a potential benefit of streamlining sub- <br /> committees would be the availability of more staff support. <br /> Member Doneen opined that once the by-laws were completed, there would be <br /> more time to focus on the role of the Civic Engagement Task Force and how it <br /> could be structured. However, Member Doneen opined that the other three (3) sub- <br /> committees were really separate functions and she didn't seem them being success- <br /> ful if merged. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus and whether some of those items could <br /> be handled by the full HRC, Chair Grefenberg opined that they could be. Chair <br /> Grefenberg opined that there was considerable autonomy in the past with various <br /> groups, but now things were being funneled back for group decisions rather than <br /> advocating for one special issue; with staff having made it very clear that all major <br /> decisions were made by the full HRC, with logistical details done at the subcommit- <br /> tee level and those recommendations brought to the full HRC for decision-making. <br /> Regarding completion of the final Civic Engagement Task Force report, Coun- <br /> cilmember Johnson—noting his short tenure remaining on the City Council—asked <br /> that the report be provided with sufficient time for the sitting City Council to digest <br /> it and allow another meeting with the Task Force before year-end in order to pro- <br /> vide guidance and spur on a great conversation. Councilmember Johnson expressed <br /> his interest in seeing this endeavor through, while on a realistic timeframe. <br /> Chair Grefenberg distributed a bench handout, providing a draft of the Civic En- <br /> gagement Task Force's final recommendations, approved by the HRC at their meet- <br /> ing last week; and anticipating submission of the formal document to the City <br /> Council by September 1, 2012, if not before. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed a reasonable time-frame for presentation to the City Council <br /> by mid-September, allowing for City Council review and input. <br /> Councilmember Johnson noted that the City Council would need to address any <br /> budgetary issues with the 2013 budget now in process as well. <br /> Chair Grefenberg, with respect to budgetary needs, opined that having someone <br /> available to take meeting minutes again would be of great benefit to the HRC, <br /> whether at their meetings or for any public hearings they may hold to provide an <br /> accurate record. Various options were discussed for meeting minutes, staff liaison <br />