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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 13,2012 <br /> Page 14 <br /> annual Rosefest festivities was possible, the more connections the better for every- <br /> one. <br /> In noting different abilities, Councilmember McGehee opined that all are not no- <br /> ticeable. <br /> Councilmember Johnson opined that the parameters and responsibilities alluded to <br /> by Councilmember Pust were good. Councilmember Johnson noted that the Police <br /> Department had already made adjustments on how to handle similar situations in <br /> the future; and only if the HRC observed that those adjustments were not happening <br /> would it be their role to step in. <br /> Vice Chair Singleton noted that issues with the Police Department and the HRC had <br /> occurred several years ago, and opined that the HRC currently had a good rapport <br /> with all City departments and staff. <br /> Councilmember Johnson concurred, noting that different leadership styles were cur- <br /> rently in place. <br /> In addressing Chair Grefenberg's concerns with the lack of staff support available, <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned the number of subgroups currently operating <br /> under the HRC umbrella. <br /> Chair Grefenberg advised that there were currently four (4) standing committees of <br /> three (3) or fewer members (plus staff) of the HRC to avoid conflicts with the Open <br /> Meeting Law; and if additional members were involved, the HRC posted the meet- <br /> ing. Standing committees included: Program Planning Committee; Advisory <br /> Committee with students and others interested in minority issues; Outreach Com- <br /> mittee with other communities; and the Civic Engagement Task Force. Chair Gre- <br /> fenberg noted that, the current meeting schedule of the Civic Engagement Task <br /> Force in the evening, even though staff support was not available, had allowed <br /> younger families to participate in that process. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned if those individual subcommittees needed to <br /> remain focused on one area, or if their functions could merge in the future. Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus further questioned if Chair Grefenberg saw the Civic Engage- <br /> ment Task force sunsetting as most task forces did, or if he was it as an ongoing <br /> Advisory Commission moving forward. <br /> With regard to the task force, Chair Grefenberg noted that the HRC had outlined <br /> some issues needing more attention moving forward, especially in the marginalized <br /> and minority communities; and advised that the draft report coming forward in the <br /> near future recommended an ongoing role for those Civic Engagement efforts, <br /> while not addressing what form it may take, whether a separate Commission or a <br /> subcommittee of the HRC. Chair Grefenberg noted that the Task force had con- <br /> sumed a fair amount of time, but expressed his appreciation of the creative contri- <br />