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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 20 <br /> Councilmember McGehee requested rate information for the next budget dis- <br /> cussion. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that his initial inclination with the items listed by staff on <br /> page 2 was to NOT necessarily fund those with additional property taxes as <br /> suggested by staff, based largely on the additional debt service obligations com- <br /> ing on line. Mayor Roe suggested that staff provide additional feedback at the <br /> next budget discussion for alternative funding sources. <br /> As a result of CIP discussions last year, Councilmember Johnson noted that <br /> many cuts and impacts were accomplished the first year; and since this is a bi- <br /> ennial budget process, noted that most departments had been asked to stay at or <br /> reduce their operational spending to facilitate that additional CIP funding. <br /> Therefore, Councilmember Johnson responded to a public comment that there <br /> may not be much discussion on additional cuts for this second year of that bien- <br /> nial budget,but the next biennial budget cycle should address additional cuts. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, noting that $800,000 had been cut from the tax supported <br /> budget in 2012 in order to fund the CIP going forward. <br /> Mayor Roe recognized that Councilmember Pust had made a good point, with <br /> the biennial budget approach, that staff provide an idea of what was expected <br /> moving forward to the 2013 budget. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:56 p.m. and reconvened at approximately <br /> 8:05 p.m. <br /> 12. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Receive and Consider Human Rights Commission (HRC) Resolution Per- <br /> taining to the Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Marriage <br /> As detailed in the RCA dated August 27, 2012, Mayor Roe noted the adoption <br /> by the City's Advisory Human Rights Commission (HRC) of a resolution op- <br /> posing the proposed constitutional amendment on the November 6, 2012 Gen- <br /> eral Election ballot. Mayor Roe advised that it was the intent of tonight's meet- <br /> ing for presentation of the HRC resolution to the City Council; and for the City <br /> Council to then take under advisement whether or not to take action on that res- <br /> olution. Mayor Roe advised that the City Council would hear public comment <br /> specific to this issue; and given the large number of audience members wishing <br /> to speak, asked that each speaker limit their comments to no more than two (2) <br /> minutes. Mayor Roe noted that he would attempt to be as generous as possible <br /> with the time limits; however he noted the City Council's desire to be as fair as <br /> possible, while also conducting other City business as well. As there appeared <br /> to be speakers in the audience beyond Roseville residents, Mayor Roe advised <br /> that Roseville residents would be given the first opportunity speak, and if posi- <br />