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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 21 <br /> tions have not been clearly stated or already made as to one of the two sides to <br /> this issue early in the process, others speakers would then be heard. Mayor Roe <br /> reviewed the public comment process to allow the meeting to move as efficient- <br /> ly as possible. <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed and invited HRC Chair Gary Grefenberg to make the <br /> presentation; and Chair Grefenberg in turn invited other HRC Commissioners to <br /> the table. Those present included: Chair Grefenberg; and members Kristin Do- <br /> neen and Wayne Groff; HRC and Student Representatives Joan Dao and Marie <br /> Siliciano. Chair Grefenberg advised that HRC Member Kaying Thao, while un- <br /> able to attend the May 16, 2012 HRC meeting or tonight's meeting, asked him <br /> to convey her full support of the resolution. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg stated the purpose of the resolution and asked the Roseville City <br /> Council to ratify the resolution to openly state that they welcomed a diverse <br /> community, including supporting the rights of the gay community; and to stand <br /> with the HRC in opposition to the proposed marriage amendment; further rec- <br /> ognizing the negative affect it would have on Roseville residents. <br /> Student representative Dao concurred with Chair Grefenberg, and asked that the <br /> City Council consider adopting the resolution as well. <br /> Student representative Joan Dao, as a Roseville youth, spoke in appreciation and <br /> pride of how the Roseville community worked; and opined that by the City <br /> Council supporting the resolution, they could be part of something really cool; <br /> and further opined that this was not an individual thing,but represented the ide- <br /> ology of the larger issue. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the HRC for their ongoing work and their attendance. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Gene Gjerdingen, 2553 Fisk Street <br /> Mr. Gjerdingen urged the City not to pass a resolution on the upcoming <br /> amendment, opining that the City should not cast a ballot for or against, but <br /> urged individual Councilmembers to cast their personal votes along with other <br /> voters in the State of MN. <br /> Laura Olmstead,3057 W Owasso Blvd. <br /> Ms. Olmstead urged the City Council to support this resolution, noting that it <br /> was incredibly personal to her as part of a gay family; and their decision to pur- <br /> chase a home and raise their children in Roseville. Ms. Olmstead noted that <br /> their rationale for choosing Roseville was based on the City being so open and <br /> progressive; and supporting civil rights for everyone. As a regular church at- <br /> tendee, Ms. Olmstead advised that their church supported and would marry <br /> them if ever given that opportunity. Ms. Olmstead provided an historical per- <br />