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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 22 <br /> spective of constitutional amendments since the State's inception; opining that <br /> this amendment stands far apart from simply a state or Roseville citizen; and <br /> asked that the City of Roseville join twelve (12) other cities throughout MN <br /> who have said this amendment didn't represent who we are; and asked that the <br /> City Council stand on the right side of history. <br /> Mr. Robin Chattopadhyay, 1482 County Road C-2 <br /> Mr. Chattopadhyay spoke of his parents hailing from India and the State of <br /> North Dakota, and their circumstances when trying to marry and difficulties due <br /> to his father's heritage compared to this proposed amendment; encouraging the <br /> City Council to support the resolution. <br /> Dan Johnson-Powers, 1974 Tatum St. <br /> Mr. Johnson-Powers noted that the HRC indicated that this was a human rights <br /> issue and as human beings, citizens and a City it was incumbent upon and an <br /> obligation to speak up for any human being's rights, when being oppressed. <br /> Mr. Johnson-Powers opined that it should be based on one position or another; <br /> and opined that history had proven what happens when people do nothing. Mr. <br /> Johnson-Powers opined that no one can afford to remain silent when rights were <br /> taken away; and asked that the City Council take a firm stance against this pro- <br /> posed violation of human rights. <br /> Bob Osborn, 1473 Clairmont <br /> While appreciating the different points and positions, Mr. Osborn agreed fun- <br /> damentally with the first speaker; and opined that it was the right recommenda- <br /> tion, that it was not the business of the City Council to take a vote, but the right <br /> of the State's citizens to vote on their individual ballots; and urged the City <br /> Council not to take action on this issue. Mr. Osborn spoke to historical strug- <br /> gles related to civil rights; and the unfortunate division of the nation today based <br /> on differing cultural and political views. Mr. Osborn opined that, should the <br /> City Council take action one way or the other, they would be taking a side and <br /> not serving to build unity and enable the City to solve its common problems. <br /> Leslie Omundson, 1124 Rose Place <br /> Ms. Omundson expressed her happiness as a Roseville resident, and her satis- <br /> faction with a pretty well-managed and progressive community. As the mother <br /> of a lesbian daughter, Ms. Omundson noted the additional difficulties she expe- <br /> rienced due to her chosen lifestyle; and passage of the proposed marriage <br /> amendment would take away any hope or promise of her ever being able to <br /> marry in MN or have the protections for herself and any family members based <br /> on a marriage. Ms. Omundson urged the City Council to take a stand proving <br /> that Roseville is a welcoming and tolerant community. <br /> Dan Oren,3150 W Owasso <br />