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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 24 <br /> Council to pay the bills and run the City of Roseville; and further opined that <br /> any action on their part would only serve to create more division in the City. <br /> • Paul Siliciano, 1908 Gluek Lane <br /> Mr. Siliciano stated that he wished that all of his friends and neighbors enjoyed <br /> the same rights and protections as he and his wife enjoyed. As stated by a pre- <br /> vious speaker, Mr. Siliciano recognized that the City Council did not get a ballot <br /> to vote on this issue; however, he saw this as an opportunity for the City to <br /> make a statement that diversity and inclusive are strengths. Mr. Siliciano <br /> opined that part of the City's strength in remaining a great City is its strength; <br /> and expressed his hope that the Roseville City Council made a bold and coura- <br /> geous statement by supporting the resolution. <br /> Ed Wallerman,2420 Arona <br /> Mr. Wallerman noted that he had continued to follow this very tense issue in the <br /> state legislature up to the end of the last session; and their determination to put it <br /> on the ballot for vote of Minnesota citizens. Mr. Wallerman opined that every <br /> eligible voter had a right to vote yes or no. Mr. Wallerman asked the City At- <br /> torney under what authority the City Council would have a right to back a cer- <br /> tain group on this resolution; and opined that the City Council was spending <br /> money to promote a cause not related to City business, and that they had no au- <br /> thority to take a position on the resolution. <br /> David Norris,950 Clark Street, St. Paul <br /> Mr. Norris read from one of the U. S. Constitution's founding documents, <br /> Amendment 14, Section 1; opining that this was an important amendment ad- <br /> dressing "separate but equal". Mr. Norris questioned where there was a"but" in <br /> civil rights; and while hearing concerns of other citizens that Roseville was a <br /> public body and should not take a stand, he opined that he disagreed with that <br /> perception. Mr. Norris noted that there were twelve (12) other cities in the State <br /> of MN having already taken a stand,others were taking a stand against this pro- <br /> posed amendment. Mr. Norris disagreed with a previous speaker who stated <br /> that marriage was not a civil right; and cited case law as an example. <br /> Dick Houck, 1131 Roselawn Avenue <br /> Mr. Houck opined that there were two (2) points of common sense to this very <br /> emotional and controversial issue; with the issue not an argument being present- <br /> ed, but whether or not the City should take a stand on the amendment. Mr. <br /> Houck opined that an amendment is a piece of legislation passed legitimately in <br /> the state, and if people had a problem with that, the state was where they should <br /> go. When there is a problem in Roseville, Mr. Houck noted that people came to <br /> the City Council to make those decisions, and opined that this legislation was <br /> not in the City's jurisdiction and therefore there was no reason for them to make <br /> a decision on this. Mr. Houck opined that, for the City Council to do so would <br /> only represent a portion of Roseville residents. Mr. Houck opined that there <br />