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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 25 <br /> was no reason for the City Council to put themselves on the line, and their only <br /> action should be as individuals voting their own position,but not as a body. Mr. <br /> Houck strongly recommended that the City Council defer any action on this is- <br /> sue. <br /> Cheryl Lenz,2444 Sharon Street <br /> Ms. Lenz thanked the City Council for considering this issue, opining that it was <br /> very important to many Roseville residents. Ms. Lenz provided anecdotal <br /> comments on her advocacy for she and her husband's gay and lesbian friends, <br /> and the additional stresses placed on their relationships than hers due to poten- <br /> tial discrimination or legislative limitations. Ms. Lenz encouraged Coun- <br /> cilmembers to use their words, as they were powerful. <br /> Nathan Meyer,2474 Lydia Avenue W <br /> Mr. Meyer reviewed his various residences in and out of the State of MN; and <br /> his experiences coming out as a gay person and finding a supportive communi- <br /> ty. Mr. Meyer urged the City Council to keep Roseville as a welcoming com- <br /> munity to all; and opined that this was an opportunity to allow gay people to <br /> remain in the community they loved by welcoming them. By not making a de- <br /> cision tonight, Mr. Meyer opined that the City Council was essentially saying <br /> that the gay community was not as welcome as others; and asked that they vote <br /> to support the HRC resolution. <br /> Robber Detel,Apple Valley resident <br /> As a Christian, and retired member of the military, having gay friends whom he <br /> loved dearly, as commanded by God, Mr. Detel expressed his disillusionment in <br /> seeing this continuing rage and judgment. Mr. Detel opined that, through the <br /> continuing conviction of some with those of differing opinions being mean, or <br /> angry or haters, this was wrong. Mr. Detel used Canada as an example of this <br /> proposed "progression" and asked that this issue be left to the voters and each <br /> state to make their voice known. <br /> John Sicolski, 2449 Sheldon Street <br /> Mr. Sicolski addressed several comments made by other speakers; and that by <br /> voting on this issue, the City Council was not supporting or representing all of <br /> Roseville. Comparing this issue to other decision-making by the City Council, <br /> Mr. Sicolski opined that the City Council seldom satisfied everyone; and urged <br /> them to step forward and represent all of Roseville by supporting the HRC reso- <br /> lution. <br /> Mara Bliss,2009 Asbury Street <br /> Ms. Bliss echoed a previous speaker, noting that she was allowed to be married <br /> in a government-sanctioned ceremony, but not everyone was allowed that privi- <br /> lege. Ms. Bliss opined that it was not acceptable to remain silent; and it was <br /> necessary to speak out and stand up for what you believed in, whether it was di- <br />