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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 26 <br /> visive or not. Ms. Bliss encouraged the Roseville City Council to make a stand; <br /> and expressed her hope that Roseville would be accepting and tolerant of that <br /> stand as well. <br /> MaryWalser, 675 Pineview Court <br /> Ms. Wolzer urged the City Council to support the HRC resolution; opining that <br /> it was very much a Roseville issue. Serving as one more face of that issue, Ms. <br /> Wolzer provide an opinion on what is and is not the public's business; and <br /> urged the City Council to act as a City Council to support the HRC resolution; <br /> and to do the right thing and act positively. Ms. Wolzer further opined that she <br /> hated to think Roseville could end up as an island of apathy or inaction com- <br /> pared to its geographical neighbors. <br /> Dee Siliciano, 1908 Gluek Lane <br /> Ms. Siliciano opined that this was a civil rights issue; and when a group has an <br /> opportunity to speak out against injustice, it needed to do so. Ms. Siliciano en- <br /> couraged the City Council to support the HRC resolution. <br /> Bruce Ona, 534 Lovell Avenue <br /> Mr. Ona noted that he had also spoken at the HRC hearing on this same, very <br /> important topic; and noted that there seemed to be a lot of hostility directed <br /> against those who remained of the opinion that marriage was between a man <br /> and a woman. Mr. Ona encouraged that the City Council take their stand based <br /> on truth, not what other cities have or have not done; and read the definition of <br /> marriage from the American College Dictionary. Mr. Ona referenced other <br /> studies and biological issues demonstrating that same sex marriage was not the <br /> "truth;" as well as impacts on the health and happiness of children. Mr. Ona en- <br /> couraged the City Council to look at this from a truth base, not an emotional <br /> base; and not based on a special interest group or political party. <br /> Tom Gottfried,2724 Hamline Avenue <br /> Mr. Gottfried repeatedly stressed Roseville's identity and the importance of the <br /> City Council supporting the recommendations of its city-appointed commis- <br /> sioners, along with the diversity or thought in their representation of the City of <br /> Roseville. Mr. Gottfried opined that the HRC had a huge diversity of thought <br /> representing Roseville throughout their vetting process; and whether this was a <br /> divisive issue or not, the City Council would be unable to satisfy all opinions of <br /> its citizenry. However, Mr. Gottfried opined that, as Roseville citizens charged <br /> with and elected to make these hard decisions, it was a "no brainer" for them to <br /> support the HRC Commission's unanimous vote and drafting of this resolution. <br /> Mr. Gottfried urged the City Council to be brave and courageous and vote in fa- <br /> vor of the HRC resolution and stand behind its commissioners and represent <br /> Roseville citizens. <br /> Luke Mielke, 1868 Arona Street, Falcon Heights <br />