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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 27,2012 <br /> Page 9 <br /> testing on carp population indicated their successful reproduction, creating a <br /> need to provide barriers to avoid their migration into those wetland areas, or to <br /> enhance the Blue Gill infiltration in a lake (e.g. bubble barriers) with some miti- <br /> gation efforts successful and others less successful. <br /> Councilmember Johnson stated that it was encouraging to hear that responsible <br /> steps were being taken for area lakes. <br /> Councilmember McGehee welcomed Mr. Aichinger; and expressed her excite- <br /> ment in what could be accomplished through the merger of the R-WMWD and <br /> the GLWMO with a larger watershed area. Councilmember McGehee refer- <br /> enced the implementation by the R-WMWD of its "Green Streets" project be- <br /> tween Minnehaha Avenue and Stillwater Road east of McKnight Road. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee questioned what happened to the carp netted. <br /> Mr. Aichinger advised that the netting was done by commercial fisherman; and <br /> there was a market for it as food, particularly in the Asian market and for other <br /> food products. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Aichinger reported on some <br /> lake impairments or problems with consuming fish from those lakes, basically <br /> confined to a mercury advisory consumption alert on some lakes, but most im- <br /> paired for nutrients; and PH levels handled state-wide and basically created by <br /> an airborne issue, and nutrient issues handled locally. Mr. Aichinger advised <br /> that there were currently no impairments for 3-coli or other nutrients. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Aichinger for attending tonight's meeting and his in- <br /> troductory comments; and expressed the City's interest in working with the R- <br /> WMWD in the future. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> a. Receive Community Input on the 2013 Budget and Tax Levy <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller provided a revised RCA dated August 27, 2012 <br /> Prior to Mayor Roe opening the Public Hearing, Finance Director Miller briefly <br /> presented a brief review of discussion topics for the 2013 Budget, including a <br /> Budget Process Chronology; Budget Impact Items; Budget Summary; Property <br /> Tax Levy Impact; Local Tax Rate Comparisons; and Utility Rate Impacts. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that the preliminary 2013 budget had been adopted in Decem- <br /> ber of 2011 as part of the City's first biennial budget process; with a revised <br /> City Manager-recommended Budget presented to the City Council at their Au- <br /> gust 13, 2012 meeting. Mr. Miller provided future key dates related to the <br /> budget process: <br />