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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 20, 2012 <br /> Page 11 <br /> periodically to seek resolution for any potential discrepancies or problem areas to <br /> ensure the best response time possible for citizens. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief O'Neill reviewed the extensive <br /> process and considerations for changing emergency transportation providers and <br /> service areas; and requirements for providing those services and maintaining a cer- <br /> tain level of care for the community. Chief O'Neill referenced House File 2720 <br /> from 2011 allowing municipalities to choose whether to have an outside, private or- <br /> ganization or someone else (e.g. Fire Department) contracted to provide that ser- <br /> vice; however, the bill died without hearing at the legislative level. Chief O'Neill <br /> noted that there had been several similar attempts to change the law over the last <br /> decade, but not receiving much traction. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief O'Neill advised that approxi- <br /> mately 70% of the Department's calls were EMS-related, with the remaining, ap- <br /> proximately 1,100 fire calls received annually. <br /> Parks and Recreation Department <br /> Parks & Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke noted that his department would <br /> work with administration on a volunteer management position to see what areas <br /> overlapped. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Johnson, Mr. Brokke noted that the 10% reduc- <br /> tion in recreation program participants from 2010 to 2011 was based on timing for <br /> the reporting process. <br /> At the request of Acting Mayor Willmus, Mr. Brokke advised that the Roseville <br /> Skating Center had seen no decrease with the Vadnais Center coming on line, and <br /> actually had seen an increase in August usage. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Brokke noted that the largest addi- <br /> tion and dollar ramifications would be through additional personnel. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested that the City pursue a referendum by Friday, <br /> August 24, 2012, in order to provide citizens with a chance to weigh in on future <br /> park and recreation needs; and asked that City staff be directed to move forward ac- <br /> cordingly for bonding before year-end for the remainder of the money needed. <br /> City Manager Malinen questioned how such a timeline could possibly be accom- <br /> plished by Friday, since the City Council would need to vote on such action prior to <br /> moving forward. <br /> Acting Mayor Willmus refocused discussion on the issue currently before the body. <br />