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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 20,2012 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Police Department <br /> Police Chief Rick Mathwig provided an overview of the department's goals, not- <br /> ing that since many are operational in nature, they don't necessarily relate to the <br /> goals and vision of the Imagine Roseville 2025 process; however, they were im- <br /> portant to the City's future. Chief Mathwig reviewed the department's four (4) di- <br /> visions: patrol, investigative, administrative, and community service. <br /> Chief Mathwig noted that the increase in technology-related crimes had been the <br /> most notable change during his tenure. <br /> In addressing Goal #2, Chief Mathwig noted that one (1) officer position had been <br /> deleted in 2010 and never replaced; and that in the area experiencing the largest <br /> crime portion in the retail community. While Rosedale Mall management remained <br /> a great partner to the department, Chief Mathwig noted that it has a major impact on <br /> the Police Department without additional staff available. With the current needs <br /> throughout the community, and with Har Mar and Rosedale Mall, and the addition <br /> of redevelopment in the Twin Lakes area, Chief Mathwig estimated that 86% of one <br /> full-time officer would be required. As further redevelopment and exterior store <br /> development around the proposed Wal-Mart retailer occurred supporting additional <br /> mixed use retail and housing Chief Mathwig opined that there would be even more <br /> police and fire department calls for service. Chief Mathwig asked that considera- <br /> tion be given to the addition of commercial patrol officers for those large retail hubs <br /> to focus specifically on those areas. If this was not made available, Chief Mathwig <br /> opined that some of the current less vital policing (e.g. traffic enforcement, neigh- <br /> borhood patrols) would suffer to accommodate the needs of those larger retail areas <br /> and related crime throughout the community. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief Mathwig advised that ongoing <br /> conversations with retailers on resources they could bring to the table continued <br /> over many years, and as recently as several weeks ago with Rosedale Mall man- <br /> agement. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief Mathwig advised that officers <br /> and staff continued to train on responses for those suffering from mental health is- <br /> sues; with the goal of the department to always try to improve. Chief Mathwig ad- <br /> vised that, while staff had trained in the past online for such situations, they were <br /> currently pursuing a department-wide, eight (8) hour training class specific to men- <br /> tal health issues with the instructor from the law enforcement field. <br /> At the request of Acting Mayor Willmus, Chief Mathwig addressed other communi- <br /> ties having commercial officers and how those positions had evolved with officers <br /> patrolling commercial areas on their own and a program borne from that practice. <br /> At the last survey of other departments, Chief Mathwig advised that none of the <br /> communities he had researched had a piece of the financial needs paid for by the <br />