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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2012 Agendas and packets
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September 19, 2012 <br />Item 5.b <br />Operations Committee By -laws <br />c. Advise the Mayor, the City Council, the City Manager and other City agencies of human <br />rights and civil rights programs. Act in an advisory capacity with respect to planning or <br />operation of any City department on issues of civil and human rights, and recommend the <br />adoption of such specific policies or action as are needed to provide for full, equal <br />opportunity in the community. <br />d. Develop formal and informal educational programs to assist in the implementation of the <br />Minnesota Human Rights Act and civic engagement pertaining to human and civil rights. <br />e. Provide leadership to the City of Roseville in recognizing and correcting potential <br />problem areas in the community and in educating the public on human and civil rights <br />issues. <br />f. Encourage opportunities for civic engagement in the City of Roseville. <br />Article 4, Membership and Responsibilities. <br />A. The Commission shall consist of seven (7) voting members that shall be appointed by <br />City Council and up to three (3) youth members appointed by the Council and who shall <br />serve as non - voting members. <br />B. Each voting Commissioner must be a Roseville resident eighteen (18) years of age or <br />older, and be willing to commit up to 8 hours per month. <br />C. The Commission shall, from time to time, recommend to the City Council appointment of <br />up to three (3) youth residents in Roseville under the age of eighteen (18) and still <br />attending school. <br />D. Youth Commissioners shall participate in all Commission activities, including <br />committees, and shall have all the rights and responsibilities of regular Commissioners <br />with the exception of voting. <br />�i ��mm�crycry��r�orcry miic�♦ c�ii�m�♦ �irr�+ ♦ors �r�r���n� ♦��r� ��r ♦�o ronii�ro� �o����r�o �r�� �o <br />L . � 1J 1111111 �J i.31 V 11V 1 iJ 1111L►3 1, iJ I.L V 1111 G U. V V l l G l,V l l " U. 11 V U.1.1 V 11 V v G11V 1 V j 1.L1 1 V l.L I.L V U.1L1111V U.111.L V V <br />�11.10 �.1 1.... !\ 1. ....1.+ P.1 1. .I �l �1 `� . .. +Z..... ..... � A 11.7. 1'1.l..1..�...... <br />ll V XYYil llYV 1L%jl Ltil Xj_U I YYYI VY V 1`i VV VV Yl,ll 1.11%;l L. Nli%oIXYlvYY <br />P.E. Commissioners will demonstrate commitment to the mission and purposes of the <br />Commission. <br />Article 5, Meetings <br />A. Commission business meetings shall, generally, be held monthly on a regular schedule <br />adopted by the Commission each year. <br />B. Notice of Meetings: Notice of meetings shall be published and noticed as required by <br />City ordinance and by Minnesota State Statue. <br />C. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the Chair as required. <br />
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