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REQUEST FFOR COUUNCIL ACCTION <br />Daate:9/24/12 <br />Iteem No.:7.e <br />Depaartment ApprrovalCitty Manager AApproval <br />Item Description: Awardd Contract foor Engineerinng Services for the consttruction of TT <br />WIN <br />ND <br />L2A Public Immprovements <br />AKESSDDITIOON <br />B <br />ACGROUND <br />KK <br />2 <br />On Juuly 23, 20122, the City Coouncil approoved the finaal plat and DDevelopmentt Agreement for <br />4 <br />ND <br />TL2AA.TThe agreemeent, with Waal-Mart, inclluded the folllowing condditions: <br />WINNAKESDDITION <br />5 <br />a. <br />TheCCity will construct all roaadway infrasstructure impprovements. <br />5 <br />b. <br />TheDDeveloper wiill be responnsible for roaadway infrasstructure connstruction coosts <br />8 <br />associiated with thhe required leeft/right turnn lane improvements aloong County RRoad C <br />9 <br />betweeen Clevelannd Avenue annd Prior Aveenue and relaated to a sitee access poinnt. <br />10 <br />c. <br />TheDDeveloper is responsiblefor roadwayy infrastructuure constructtion costs asssociated <br />11 <br />withaa right turn laane along Twwin Lakes PParkway betwween Clevelaand Avenue and the <br />12 <br />roundd-about at Moount Ridge RRoad. <br />13 <br />To acccomplish thhis work, thee City will reetain engineeering servicees from a connsultant. Staaff <br />16 <br />develloped a scoppe of work foor the engineeering servicces needed too review the plans, develop <br />17 <br />speciifications, annd provide coonstructionoobservationfor the City administereed roadway <br />18 <br />infrasstructure impprovements. We receiveed 2 proposaals for this wwork and havve reviewed them. <br />19 <br />Theffollowing aree the proposals receivedd: <br />20 <br />Cost <br />Consultannt Name <br />Bolton&& Menk, Inc.$40,590 <br />TKDA$44,900 <br />Copiees of each prroposal are aavailable in tthe Public WWorks Deparrtment. Staffff has checkeed <br />19 <br />refereences and is recommendding award oof this consullting work too Bolton & MMenk, Inc. aas the <br />20 <br />recommmended firrm for this wwork. <br />21 <br />PO <br />OLCYBJECTVE <br />IIII <br />20 <br />Stafffseeks to findd the most ccost effectivee purchasingg opportunitiies to meet bbudgetary annd <br />22 <br />operaational objecctives. <br />23 <br />FI <br />INNCIAL MPICATIONS <br />AALL <br />23 <br />Theccity’s estimaated cost for these publicc improvemeents will be ffunded by WWal-Mart. Thhe total <br />27 <br />costffor engineeriing services for this conttract is $40,5590. This coost includes estimated <br />28 <br />reimbbursable exppenses and thhe work desccribed abovee. The estimmated staff timme to compllete the <br />29 <br />workk is $15,000. At this timee Wal-Mart has not signned the Deveelopment Coontract. In orrder to <br />30 <br />PPage 1 of 2 <br /> <br />