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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 10, 2012 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee;Willmus; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> In response to citizen comments previously directed to her suggesting that the <br /> "City Council give the budget back to staff to fix and adjust," Councilmember <br /> McGehee advised that those items included had already been discussed by the <br /> City Council and Council had directed staff to include them in the budget. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, specific to the bond issue debt service for the $10 million <br /> in bonds issued in 2011, the City was obliged by law to pay that debt; and even <br /> if additional budget cuts are found, that obligation would remain. <br /> c. Adopt the 2013 Preliminary HRA Tax Levy <br /> Mayor Roe referenced an e-mail received by the City Council from HRA Exec- <br /> utive Director Patrick Trudgeon that included the HRA Budget and Strategic <br /> Plan as background documentation for their budget request. <br /> Mayor Roe sought clarification on the residential rehabilitation program of <br /> $200,000._ <br /> HRA Executive Director Trudgeon advised that this item had not been detailed <br /> during the HRA's joint meeting with the City Council and expanded on the pur- <br /> pose for this $200,000 Housing Replacement Program, identified in Goal 3 <br /> (Single-Family Housing) of the Strategic Plan's Implementation Program grid. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that the City Council and HRA had identified this as an <br /> important need, and the intent of this trial program was to purchase homes de- <br /> termined dilapidated or beyond repair, demolish them, and put the lot back on <br /> the market for in-fill new homes. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that it was not the in- <br /> tent for the HRA to own those homes, and provided a recent home available on <br /> Rice Street, an older home in foreclosure, that the City could have purchased for <br /> $69,000 and demolished, but was unable to do so do to a lack of available re- <br /> sources and time to do so. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the rationale was that by <br /> new homes being constructed in neighborhoods, it would serve to raise the mar- <br /> ket values of adjacent homes within that neighborhood. Mr. Trudgeon noted <br /> that this was a new program, and the HRA had no past experience with such a <br /> program. <br /> In response to Mayor Roe's attempt to determine the net cost to the City, and <br /> not intending to make money, Mr. Trudgeon advised that the $200,000 was in- <br /> tended as seed money, and while the HRA hoped to recapture some costs, with <br /> demolition costs and original purchase price, it may not be self-supporting but <br /> could provide for a revolving loan fund, if 1-2 homes per year could be ad- <br /> dressed. <br />