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1991 Ramsey County Law Enforcement Consolidation Study
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1991 Ramsey County Law Enforcement Consolidation Study
1991 Ramsey County Law Enforcement Consolidation Study
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� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />R.AMSEY COUN'I'Y LAW ENFQRCEMENT SERVICES <br />PQLICE MERGER <br />Proposal II ontlines a fully consolidated palice agency. which would provide law enforce- <br />ment services, as one department, to the whole of Ramsey County. <br />� The cnmmittee first farmed a list of operative assumptions covering the areas of administra- <br />tion, #inancing, labor and operations. This part of the proposal addresses major points as well <br />as conceptual ideas as to how one police agenry for Ramsey County could function. The <br />� operative assumptions should be considered as a guideline for the Pormation of a consoli- <br />dated police agency. <br />� The committee's second task was to break down a major police unit into distinctive <br />functions. A table of organization was devised to show chain of coinmand and the <br />breakdown af divisions. It should be noted that the military use of titles in the police <br />� ` structure were changed to reflect a more contemporary style of management. The commit <br />tee gave the following titles to the different ranks: <br />� Chief Executive Officer = Chief of Police <br />Division Commander Deputy Chief <br />District Commander - Captain <br />� Section Commander _ Lieutenant <br />Unit Commander Sergeant <br />Shift Commander - Sergeant <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />L� J <br />As each table of organization was devised, the committee included a definition for each title <br />and function. <br />The Patrol Unit was broken down into seven (7) distinrt areas with a district canamander for <br />each area. A brief Iist of the possible functions of patrol staff follows the organizational <br />structure. <br />The Investigative Unit was divided into a variety oY arees and the commfttee again provides <br />a defi�itional breakdown of these subdivisions. <br />Support Services wss divided into ffve (5) major divisions with an in{iepth look at the <br />subheadings that make up the different uni#s. It should be no#ed that if #he area of detention <br />was included in this section, two consolidation options were offered, that could be consid- <br />ered. <br />Lastly, the committee identified a list of potentisl revenue resources irom a county-wide <br />consolidstion of servicea. This revenue would be ahared bythe county as a whole and utflized <br />to further improve and increase the capacity of the County Police Department to pravide a <br />to�notch level of law enforcement service. <br />13 <br />
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