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� <br />_. f � <br />I � <br />/ <br />� <br />ROSEVILLE PARi: AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT <br />SOFTBALL TOURNA�iENT POLICY <br />� . <br />4 . :"�I <br />rri' <br />`', _ <br />L� <br />It shal�. be the policy of the Ci�y of Roseville to allow soft- <br />ball tournaments on taeeki.nds if the follawing conditions are met: <br />1. The spox�soring organization shall be a civic club or�co�.ittee <br />appzoved by the Parks and Recreation Depar�ment, or a softball <br />team frcm fihe Rosevil�.e leagues. <br />f � _ <br />2. All arganiza�ions sponsoring tournaments must provide police <br />protecti,on d�tring the entire tournament (Rosevzl�e Auxi.liary <br />Pola.ce are approved). Proof of palice must <br />be provided with names of officers and times.and days they wark. <br />3. <br />4. <br />A permit must be obtained from ihe City of RoseviZle if beer is <br />to be sold during the tournament. Cox�tact Nick Ensrude at - <br />Roseville City Hall. _ _ . . ' - <br />�- _ . .. . - _ _ -: <br />A fee of $�O.QO per team entered in the tournament•will be <br />paid to th� Park and Recreati.on Depar�ment on the Wednesday <br />prior to �he tourname�t. No exce tians io th�:s rule.' <br />5. A deposit of 5100.Q0 will be required of:the rournament sponsor <br />on the Wednesday pYior ta the taurnament to insure cleanup of all <br />fieJ.ds, paxl:ing axeas and parks used each day of the �tot�snamexit.� <br />�f areas above are not cleaned to the satisfaction of the <br />Recreation Departm�nt, the deposit wil1. be forfe�.ted to the <br />department. <br />6. The Park and Recreation Depar�ment reserves the right �o close <br />a rouxnaia�nt with forfeit of a11 monies at any time if any of <br />�ha se� rulns are no� adhered to, or if any problems accur in <br />the areas o� �ighti,na, extensive abus�tre language o�r harassm�nt <br />of axea residents. � <br />7. No ga�nes will star� before 9:00 a.m. on any day of the rournam�n�, <br />Sponsors of`�he tournament'cannot beg�n any ;�ork in the field axe� <br />befare 8:00 a.m. Failure to comply ti��th this will const�.tu�e <br />graunds for tournamen� foxfei�. A�1 �zghts �caill be off by 1�:30 p- <br />un�ess speczal perFnission has been granted by the Recreation <br />� Depar�ment...{this only in an emergency;) <br />8- Tournament sponsar will be to sign a sta�e�ten� accepting <br />all respons�bili.ty for operatixig th� tournament in accdrdance �aith <br />the above-men�ioned rules. - <br />9. The Park and Recreation Depar �ne�t wi1Z provide the followin�: <br />a. tields dragg`d �nd lined Friday 3iL�'� p�evious �ournament <br />b. 4 Uags o� linzng inateria� <br />�. Z lin�r <br />d. ]. dzag <br />