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0 <br />UBfiEOF PUSLIC STREEiS A�•!Q LA?ID5 <br />r <br />j� REGJL�lTIOP�S RELATIPIG TO THc USE UF P�1RKS I�'t ROS��IILLE <br />. - <br />94.OZ. Parks �Qfined. For th� purpose of thi�s ordiriance, "parks" shall <br />mean a parlc, reservati on, playground, beacF�, recreation center or otner �area i n <br />ti�e Viliage owned, leased or used, wholly or in pari, by tne �i1Tag� for such purpose; <br />or which are designated tiy the Village Coun�il as parks. <br />Re�ulations. The foilowing regulations sha11 apply ta a11 Yiliage �arks= <br />I.�� No person shal l dri ve or opzrate a motor rrehi cle i n ar�y par[c exce�t <br />. on r�ads�or des�gnated parking areas or sucn oth�r areas as the Park <br />'D�rector sha�l d��ignate and no person shall operate a motor v�hici� <br />' wittiin a park at a speed in exces5 o-F 15 mT7es p�r .hour.. - <br />. - . _ , . _- - - <br />Z. �No person sF�all park any moiar veF�i.cle in any place ~in public parks ' <br />.. :� -except i n desi gnated park� ng ar�eas . -- ` <br />_.. _. _ <br />- - _ : , <br />_ -. . �. < . . .,. . . <br />_ ; � . .' � :,; ,. : _ ._ _.. �.=,�� �- � � •.-: : .: � �-� � � --. <br />• 3-. !`Jo fires shali be iigY�ted ar mad� in t�e park �except in places pro� <br />- _ -- v�ded for such pur�oses and, except for V�1Tage em�loyees engag�d in �- <br />- -: c�eaning the area. - __ - � <br />� �. I'�a �srson shall discharge any fireworks or f��earms ti��rein without .--. <br />- #he �wri fiten permi ssi on of the Park Di rzctor ar�d Y!3 t%OUt a germi t, ' � . <br />,. itn the �ase of fireworks, from the Fire MarsF�all,_and, in the ease �. - <br />�_.__, . of. firearms, from the Chief of Po3ice. _- -- _�. : <br />�:1 . . ... <br />+E ` `': �.- . .• . . '- . - . - • . -. _'. <br />� 5. Ido person sha11 scatter abou.t or 3 i tter fi.�e grounds tivi t� any fo� _- <br />. � , Qf tvaste materi ai . - - - _.: .. . _ <br />- b. !'�o person sha31 commit ar�y �ui�ance or any. o+�'ense against dece�cy - <br />� or public morals. . - � . . _ . . � - <br />l. IYo �ersan shaTi thro;� stones or rubbish af any kind in any lalce, oond <br />� � o� water course, nor bath�, st•rim or wade exc�pt in d�signated areas. �. � <br />- 8. ��io person sFial� paste or affix or inscr7bp an� handi�ill or poster ot� <br />-_ any structur� or proper�y in either of such par�CS or any place ar <br />. - sqUare or highv�ay.surrounding thz 5ame. . _ - , - <br />9. No p�rson sha�l possess, display, cansUme or us� intoxicating lzqvors; <br />no persan shalj possess, display, consum� ar use non-intoxicat�ng malt <br />liquors except in.designa�ed picnic areas. . <br />1.0, t9a person shal l di 5'turb or i nterf�ae tiri th any bi rds ar animals kept <br />�or fovnd t}�erein. <br />. ._ . . _ . � . . . . . <br />11. r!o person shal� pe permitted to�sell.any article whatever unless he <br />�sha1� have a permii, lease ar concession grantzd by tt�e Village. <br />� 12. �lo person shall play any ga:°? of baseball or �ootball or other <br />gar�a therein except in area� provided th�refor. <br />13. �Jo d�g; sha� T bz al l ovied i n any o-F the parks except on 1 easf� . <br />