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� ... . ;t . - � � � . <br />T0: - Department Heads ` ` - � <br />FR0�1: J i m An dre • <br />SllBJECT: Attendance at Nationai Conferences - Assistan� Department f�eads <br />At the 1977 budget review session, the Council modified the existing policy <br />regarding assistant departrr�nt heads (Ass-istant Police Chief, Assistant City <br />Engineer, Assistan� Recreation Director and Assistant City Manager) attending <br />national conferences. <br />Assistant department heads may now attend if the foliowing conditions exist: <br />1. If there would be an anticipated and sufficient y ear end balance <br />in the Counczl's travei account budget. <br />2. If the department head recorm�nds approval. <br />3. If the person requesting permiss�on to attend a national conference <br />submits in wri-�ing specific reasons why he tivishes to attend that <br />particular conference and when he iast attended a national canference <br />at City expense. <br />The Manager w�ll allow or disallow the requested based on the above conditions <br />and information provided. <br />The request is to include th� conference brochure which provides a description <br />af the program content, dates of conference, iocatior� of conference and registration <br />expense information. The request should also state the method or mode of travel <br />to and fror� tf�e conference location. <br />National conferences are obviously schedu7ed at different times throughout the <br />year. Therefore, assistant departmen� heads indicating an interest in attending <br />a conference should submi� a preliminary request no 1ater than F4ay 1. <br />Updated 3/82 <br />