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�.: <br />, <br />_June 6, 29$0 <br />T0: Qepartment Heads <br />FROM: Jim Rndre ��— <br />SUBJEC�': Compensatory Tim� <br />July i, 1980 through June 30, i981,the foilowing policy w711 be in <br />effect regarding compensatary time. This policy effects emp7oyees <br />subject to the Clericai/Technical Pay Plan only. <br />Z. Compensatory time may be accrued in lieu of avertime pay <br />at the rate of one and one-half hours of catnp time for each <br />hour of overtime worked. <br />2. The maximum comp t�me that may be accummulated is forty (40) <br />hours. <br />3. Comp time may not be converted to overtime, nor may overtime <br />be converted to comp time once seiected. <br />4. Accrual and use of comp time wilI he �one wiih permissian of <br />the Department Head. <br />5. All comp time will be marked as such on afficia� time sheet5 <br />both for accrual and use andofficial comp time records <br />will be maintained by the Finance Department. <br />6. A1] comp time earned during ca7endar year 1980 will be used <br />prior io March 1, 1981, or b� forfeited. <br />7. The Finance Department wili submit a r�port to this office <br />by February 1, 1981, which prov�des the following information <br />for the period JuIy Z, 1980 thru December 31, 1980: <br />Humber of overtim� hours worked; number of comp fiime <br />hours accrued; and number at comp time hours used. <br />