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� <br />TO: <br />FRaI+'I: <br />SL]BJF�Cr: <br />: ��� <br />�.�� � <br />�`�;r.�. <br />;�:'. <br />� <br />February 28, 1978 <br />City Coezncil <br />James Andre <br />Flexib3.e Hou�s Proposa]. <br />During the past several weeks we have been cliscussing wi'Eh the variaus <br />depart[t�x�ts fhe concept of a flexilaie wr�rking srhedu7.e for City �ia11 <br />�layees. Under the fl�ible hour concept, �loy�s wi1Z establish <br />scheduled wtark da.ys begi n„i ng ��,,7eP� �e hours of 7:00 and 8:00 A1+i <br />and encling between 3:30 and 4:3� P.M. Genexally, the benefits of such <br />a progxam wrni].d be : <br />A. An increase in City servioes bY P�-tting an expans�on in. Ci�L-y <br />Hall office hours <br />B. An increase in flexi.bility for e��oyees, ail.oi„iing individuals <br />a degree of choice in establishing their wor]cing hours. <br />The basic eleFr�ents of �-he program which has been discussed with �Zoyees <br />is sw'[atiaxized belcxa: <br />I. A�1 �loyees wil� w�ork during the core period of $: 00 AM <br />and 3 _30 PM daily. , <br />2. k�npZoyees, at theax discretior�, may elec� to report to work <br />as ear�y as 7:00 AM or as late as 8: QO AMr prov�ded th� minilrnrm <br />staffing level is an duty at aII t�s. II�ploye�s will notify <br />the departmeaat head of a desired t�rk s�h�czle at least one week <br />in advance of any chanc�. <br />3. Each depa�tment head wiZl be responsa ble �or determi.nir�,g the <br />minim� staff necessary � provide the departmen�'s fi�Il range <br />of services between 7:00 AM and 4:3d PM daiZy. <br />4. �e switcY�board will maintain its p�esent hours of $: d0 AM -t,o <br />4:3b PM. <br />S. �e program w�-1I be irU-�tially es-tablish�d an a t-rzal basis . <br />After trail period the proqram w�1Z be reviewed with e�Z�yees <br />and departm�nt heads to determine if it is �eaningful �o bo� <br />the City and ihe empxoy�es . <br />�� is our fee�ing the felxible hours concept ben�fits 2aoth the citiZens and <br />the eit�loyees and, consequently, m�rits oonsidera�ion. <br />If the Caunczl has any c�uestions ar carnr�nts regar�ing this proposal, p�ease <br />contact me. <br />� <br />