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E�i IPS�YEE ASSISTAI�CE PROGi2� 1 POLICY STAT�IE�,'T -- CITY OF �pSE{T.Cl� <br />�'he Ci�y of �oseville�recognizes that a w.ide range of personaZ probl�ns not <br />�. directly associated V�ith one's job function can have an a�fec� on an �loyee's <br />; ja� perfa��ce. In many ��' these instances, the e�r�layez may 1� able ta aver- <br />`.:.�' came thes� p�zsonal prd��ems a.n3ependen�l.y and. theze wzll Y� ].ittle or no aff�c� <br />o� jo'a �r�orm�ance. ln ather instazxces, �ahere jab per�o�n�ice i.s direcicly at�ected, <br />nanr,al suoervisory assistance may serve as mn�iva�iori or by c•�hich' such <br />p�obl�ms can be resolved and the employee's joh perfaxrs�nc� retu�noc: to an accent <br />ab�e �.ev21_ zn other rases, nQifher the independ6nt e�farts of tlie em�loyee or <br />supervisory guidance have the d�sixed e£�ec� in resolving the em�].oyee's problems <br />and unsatis�actoxy perfoxmance r.�y persist. _ <br />�'he City of �seville recogn_izes �hat a]imst azay hua�� pra5l�xn can -be s�tccessfully <br />treated provided it is identified in its early stages and xeferra? �.s ��►ade �ouqh � <br />an appro�riate helping resource. �'his applies to a broad ranc�e o� probl�s irsc�.ud-� <br />ing such d�velaper�nts as physical i3lness, m�ntal or etrotional pro�Z�ns, financial <br />difficulties, marital or fa�z�y distress, alcc�hoZ or ot-h� drug abus� prob].ems, <br />legal pznblezns a.-�d �y other conce�.s. Th°refore, the Caty be�ie�-�s zt xs in th� - <br />bzst interest of the emp�.oyee, th� e�ployee' s famil.y an,� the Ci.ty as an c��oyer, to <br />provide an emplaye� service wrhich will assist in �ealing with problexns of a p�xsanal <br />nattxre. '�."he under which surh probl� wi11 be hanc�l� is set forEh iti -the . <br />fo1lr��ring fratr�vork: _ . , <br />1. The City emphasizes that ��hi].e �.t i.s concern�d �, th� heaxth and • <br />well ]azing of its employe�s, a.t has no desire to �nterfexe ul their " <br />private J.ives. Th�refore, the e��oyer w�1.1 be concern�d ��i-rh an <br />�].oyee's personal prob�ems only ��hen jab perf_o�na�ce is adcr�rsely . <br />! _ affected. � - <br />� 2. 7''nis poLicy to all. regula�x- elt�3o�ees of the Cx.-Ly a� R�osevi.l7_�. <br />3. The prograin i.s availabZe to families, dependents asid signi.f�cant ofih�s <br />of ezr�ployeES as weZl as the e.mployees themselves sznce it xs xecoyni.zeci <br />that probl�zns at h� can have an adv�rse affect on �n �pZoye�'s _ <br />abiZity to function wh�.1e at work. <br />4. I� any �nployees or their dependants real.ize that th�y hav� per�onal <br />prablems �hat iray benefit fran the aSSZ5�TICP provid�•d by the �playee <br />Assistance Prograza, �th�y are en.couragecl to seek assist�artce on theas cx•m <br />and will be supported in �f�orts to do so. <br />5. Participation in the pro�-am will ri0� ]QQpdiLilZE c1T1 ��10���� S�aU <br />security, Pramoti.onal opportunities or x'eputation. <br />fi. All recox-ds and discuss�ons af pexsonal problems ���11 be handledi �.n <br />a private manner as are ot-her personn�l r�coxds. . <br />7. Past experi.ence sha;��s that a si.gnificant portion o� the pr.o�le�ns <br />encoun�erecl i� such proc�azns are re�a�� to prablesns :�nva����nq �he <br />use of alcohol and/or vther drugs. �t ��i�.l Y� thA City's �ali4y t-hat <br />chemzcal dependency is xecognized as a txeaL-ab�e illn�ss: <br />6 <br />� <br />