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r:. <br />� <br />�`;. <br />1� <br />� <br />-z- . . <br />8. The pzagz'am is not designed to provide treatrr�nt or connsellzng, bt�� <br />rat-her to prdv�d� early id�nti�icat�ion, mDtivati.on, and referral to <br />ap�r��riate caxe-c� resourc�s in ox'der to faci.l.i.tate the resoluLion <br />af any searious persana3. px-oblems the �nploy� might hav�. � <br />9. Rfi�n p�rforn�ance problems are nat caxrected wi�z nor�al su�rvisory <br />atten�i.on, einploy�es aray b� ,refezxec� to assistance to cTet�xr,lin� if <br />personal problems are c�.asing unsatis�acto�cy pexfarmar�ce_ If pexform- <br />ance proble�s are cQ�'rec�ed, no furth�r act�on Z�rill be taken_ zf <br />p�rfo�rance probl�s persist, the ��1�yee wa.11 1� subject to nor�l <br />correctiv� procedures_ � <br />10. Thi.s policy does not a�ter or r�place e�:isting�at.iv� policy <br />or contxactual agree�r�eri't-s, hut sexves as an ad jt�nct tv asszst �n th�ir <br />utilization. - <br />- - . . . . . -- � � <br />-� - � <br />C <br />