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D�epartment : Arl�n � �tx�ation <br />P+�licy Titl.e :; Fhy�I�yment o� Rela�ves <br />%- 7ha.s pa�icy is ta pLrohibit the e�ioyment of relatives within a <br />depar�nt �of the Czty. 7�e basis for such a policy is the pot�ntial . <br />a.nherent difficulties �,rhen one re].ative might be suborc3i�t� � <br />anothex, and of i-he potential of �avr�ritisr.i t�owa�d a relative. �e <br />po�icy 3.s aclapted and effeci-iv� im�nediately and as of the date of this <br />poJ.icy sfiate�ment. The paZicy wou3d apply only ta tho6e persans �loyed <br />aftex the date'of po�icy adoption. , - <br />There has b�en a recent 1'�Linnesota State Supreme Co��rt decision again�t <br />blanket prohibition of the er_�Ioyir�ent af relatives. �is poli�,� � <br />specifically de].ineated be�.ow, has been revi�aed by t-he C�ty Attorney's . <br />af�i.oe and found not to be in o�nfl.ict with the Caurt decision. . <br />�he specific e�l.aym�nt language of the pol.icy is as follaws . . <br />� , "*n making appointr_�ent� for ariy erc�loy��nt r�rith the City� - - <br />:. the fact a£ an applicant's relationship �o any affio�x -- <br />- or employee of �he Czty sha�.l not be considered; exc�pt - <br />. � that two ar mr�re relatives shall not be appointed t,o °-- � - - <br />� ecnploy�nt w�thin the same departn�ent o£ the . City _ For - :-` <br />�- the purposes af this palicY. I�sbns are dee�aed to be . <br />r�la.tives if their reJ.ationshio to each other is that of - -__ - <br />� ; _ . sPouses, parent/child, grandPa�n-�I9r'andchild,�i.r�gs � � _ <br />a�r in-I:aws : " . - � - � <br />� E�.ep�iaris � may be �de in the initial phas� of a�le�aenting the poli _ - <br />1f it can be de�nanst�a�ed that the policy would be significantly. dis�� <br />ruptive or detrimen� to a program; or if such polic�r would conflict . -.- <br />with a previausly estaYalished cantrac� for empZoyiner}t. _. _- � <br />Adopt�ed and Effective on January j 5/ . 1980, pe.�- ac3mi n; ���ti� authority <br />of the City I�lanagt'-r - - : <br />_ . . A - . _.. _ , <br />f <br />