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� <br />�� <br />-�. <br />�_ <br />i <br />PalicY/ <br />Proced�re: <br />SUBJECi: <br />No. 30-OQ3 <br />Date of Issue: <br />Effect-ive date: <br />�i� <br />Bicycle Enfarcemen� <br />P�ay 9, 1978 <br />May 10, 1978 <br />All Person��l <br />P�ar ose: Bicycle law enforcement offers unique and grawing problems to <br />po�ice departr�en�s. .Under State Statute (Chapter 169, adapted by reference <br />Section 8b.Q10) bicyc��sts.are charged with folIoti,ring the same driving rules <br />as regular motorized vehic7es, hawever, the large major�ty of bicyc7ists <br />are very young in age and our present road systems are no� designed �o pro- <br />vide a safe manner of travel under nornal c�nditions, t�is is the face of <br />tremendous gro�rth in bicycle usage of all age groups and -increased motor � <br />vehicie traffic. Prajections indicate that both gro�ps wiii increase, <br />particularly bicycles, in t�e future years. <br />Policy Statement: It shall b� the poiicy o-F tf�is department to maintain <br />an open-minded and flexible att�tude toward bicycie traffic. It is nec- <br />essary to continuaIly take inio cansideration tF�e age o-F riders, type af <br />violat�on, road conditions and the fact that the bicycZe lativs are ou�-- <br />moded and of-�e� dangerous to the rider if -Followed, and adjust the palicy <br />as necessary Until these condi-�ians improve. <br />Procedure Statement: Ti�e Department has been and +��i� 1 con�inue to attack <br />bicyc7e safety through edracat�on, particularly in the very young ch�ldren. <br />Regular meetings �rith pre--school, lc�nd�rgarten and some older age groups <br />are held for safety talks. Pamphlets on safety and rules of the road are <br />distribu�ed vrith7n the community. . <br />For the age group under the age of e7ghteen there is no prac�ical means <br />of enforcement. Juvenile Court does not �rant this ty�e of o�fense and <br />w��l not accep� the charges. The �uvenile cannot be charged �o Municipal <br />Court, �n violations in this age group the officer is to verbally �arn <br />the chiid and/or paren-� of the oi'fense. <br />The eighteen year and older group can recei��e a re�ular traffic cita�ian <br />which becomes a part of their driving record.and is punishable by flne flj, <br />imprisonrnent. �lo�rever�, vrhenever possible, a r�rarning is given �o these <br />riders rather tha� ch�rge. The large najority of actual violations of <br />the lat•r are actually made in the name of safe�y for the rider. �i.e., <br />riding ac7a�nst traffic on narrat•�, heavi�y trav411ed ro�ds, not siynalli►�g <br />���hen i t i s necessary to use tti•lo hanc�s for control , etc _) In the case af <br />ac�uai ti�;anton carelessness, or t�rhere d�nger �s preserzt to others, charges <br />►��i 11 be m�:Ie. <br />�\ <br />` r" <br />,>_ �� � 1 ! ��� � �.\ T - • <br />��}{;.F p. E��$ :IiIE_ <br />