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. i' <br />� r <br />� <br />� <br />� � <br />� <br />Procedure: <br />Subject: <br />Date of Issue: <br />No.�30-016 <br />Anxmal Complaints <br />June 12, 1981 <br />Effect�ve Date: June 19, Z981 <br />Ta: Community Service Officer and All Police Personnel <br />PURPOSE: To establish clear and cons�stent procedures for enforce- <br />ment of Roseville Ordinances control�ing domestic animals. <br />POLICY: Vzc�tous Animals - Animal Bites: All animaZs have <br />bitten any pe�son shall be impotxnded for a minimum p�riod o� ten <br />days at the expense of the owner. <br />In all ardinary cases, animals wi.21 be impounded at the Brighton <br />Veterinary CZinic, 2625 Mississippi Street, New Brighton, Minnesota -• <br />551Z2. <br />impounding of th� animal at the residence of the owner may be <br />permitted onl�r if aII of the �allowing conditions exist: <br />1. The owner produces a valid certi�icate of a <br />veterinarian establishing that the animal <br />has been vaccinated �or rabies within one <br />year preceding the bite. <br />2. The animal owner is an adult and takes respons- <br />ibility for the quarantine by executing the <br />Roseville Animal Quarantine Form and acknowledges <br />responsibi�ity to comply w�.th its terms. <br />3. Either {a) the victim is a member o� the immediate <br />iamiiy of the animal owner, or; (b} the animal is <br />�� a female and is nursing a litter. <br />� <br />1 <br />G <br />4. The victim of the bite authorizes impounding by the <br />owner by counter signing the Roseville Animal Quarantine Form. <br />Officers responding to an animal bite call are requixed to complete <br />a Roseville Animal Quaran�ine Form in addition to the �egular repart form. <br />Citations are to be issued i� the animal is a dog and is unlicensed <br />or has not been vaccinated for rabies within the precedZng two year <br />as r�quired by Roseville Ordinanc� Section 145.040. <br />If an animaZ has bitten a person and has not been taken i.nto custady <br />and cannot be located, a supervisor should be iinmediateiy notified. <br />All reasonable effort must be expended to prevent the bite v�ctim <br />from being subjected to rabies treatment. <br />AiTTHORITY: Roseville Ordinance Section 145.12Q and 145.040. <br />