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.! �- <br />� <br />� <br />�-= <br />POLICY: Animal �Nuisances: Dogs and cats are declared nuisances <br />when they: <br />I. Bark or cry for exteraded or unreasanab].e periods <br />of tzme; <br />2. <br />� <br />Damage plantings or s�ructures, or; <br />D�posit fecal �naterial on pra.vate property af others. <br />O�ficers responding to calls of �his nature shall attemp� to <br />locate and ident�fy the owner and ins�ruct him to control the <br />animal. The of�icer shall then initiate issuance of a nuisance <br />iorm letter to the animal owner. The letter must be properly <br />completed, dated, and either (2} hand delivered to the awner, or; <br />(b) mailed by cextif ied mail on the first regular week day �oilowing <br />the initial complaint. Compliance with this policy will be indzcated <br />by recording the information on the report and attaching a copy of <br />the Ietter. <br />�� On th� occurrence of a secand complaint for the same offense, the <br />complainant will be requested to swear ou� a complaint against the <br />offending owner. I� �he camp�.ainant refuses, the officer my issue <br />a citation if he has observed �h� violation. in his supplementary <br />report, the afiicer shal� identi�y the name of the complainant and <br />the date and case number of �h� �irst occurrence. <br />\ <br />0 <br />AUTHORrTY: Roseville Ordinance Section 145.030. <br />POLTCY : Do s or Cats a.t lar e: �n responding to a ca.tizen comp].aint <br />about an animal at large, the officer will: <br />l. Attempt to locate the animal, identifq the owner, <br />and verify whether the an�.mal is properly licensed <br />and vaccinated. <br />2. If the owner cannat be identified, the animal wa,ll be <br />�� impounded at Brighton Ve�er3nary Clinic, 2615 Mississippi <br />Street, New Srighton, Minnesota, 551I2. <br />3. If the owner is identiiied and located, the animal shall <br />be returned and the owner issued a cita�ion for allowing <br />the animal to run at large viola�ing Roseville Ordinance <br />Section 145.Q20. <br />If an at large a.nimaZ is picked up in the course af normal patrol <br />the same pxocedures will be followed, except that a warning rather <br />� than a citation will norma�ly be issued on a�zrst offense. <br />AUTHORITY: Roseville Ordinance Sections 145.OI0 and Z45.020. <br />L <br />� <br />COD�MENTS : Of f icers <br />Roseville Ordinance <br />of�icers must share <br />involved. <br />are responsible ior a thorough knowledge of <br />Chapter 145 Do s and Cats, and this polzcy. PQlice <br />the responsibiiity when �xtizen complaints are <br />� hiast important, iollowing these procedures is imperative when a person <br />is hitten. Tt would be disastrous to a bite victi.rn and embarrasszng to <br />the department if the rabies shot series had to be administered because <br />the animal was not properly quarantined. <br />