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� <br />e <br />Procedure: Ho. 30-0�.4A <br />� <br />SUBJECT: Towing of Vehicles <br />bate of Issue: <br />Eifective Date: <br />T0: <br />October 29, 1982 <br />November 1, 1g82 <br />All Roseville Palice Personnel <br />Bacicground Statement: � <br />In order that city streets, county and state highways can be kept open for <br />traffic flow, traffic safety, be kept orderiy and neat and for the protectian <br />- and recovery of private property, the following policy is in effecti: <br />. ,z <br />, � , . <br />�� Policy Statement: <br />� . . <br />�':It is the policy of the Roseville Police Departiment to remove all'vehicles <br />on the roadways iarmedzately if the�r pase a traffic hazard. If not a hazard, <br />a reasonable period of time (dependent on weather conditions) is given to <br />the owner for removal of the said vehicZes after which we contact the owner <br />and request the vehicle be removed within a specified time or we will have to <br />have it removed. <br />At accident scenes, if the owner/driver is present and capable, and the vehicle <br />is not a traffic hazard, we let him/her determine who is to tow their vehicle. <br />Where the owner/driver i� not present, capable, or the vehicle is a hazard, <br />the vehicle will be towed at our discreiion. <br />In na-parking� fire lanes, etc., the vehicle is tagged but not towed unless <br />it presents an iarmediate traffic problem or hazard. <br />Vehicles used in the commission of a crime o�her than traffic. �If the vehicle <br />needs to be processed, prints, search warrants, etc., it sha11 be towed �o the <br />police garage. If the vehicle is only being held as evidence it shall be taken <br />to the impound lot.: <br />Vehicles involved in traffic related offenses. When the owner or operator of <br />a vehi.cle is arrested and is removed from his/her vehicle we become responsible <br />for the vehicle_ If there is someone wi�h the person arrested who can legally <br />operate the vehicle, and it is agreeable to the owner/operator, we will let <br />this person remove the vehicle. <br />Tawing of MC's, mini-bikes, dirt-bikes, etc., being used off the road. If <br />continued operation of the vehicle would be iliegal and the operator is a <br />juveni.le, contact the parents, have them come to the scene and assume the re- <br />sponsibili.ty to get it home. If the parents cannot be contact2d and the operator <br />is rea9onabiy close io home, you may allow the operator to push tihe vehicle <br />home. If the operator is an adult we would allow the same options as a juvenile, <br />except persan calZed to pick up the vehicle need not be a parent. <br />