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s <br />� <br />� <br />page two, Towing of Vehicles <br />On vehicles that are abandoned on private property (including parking lots) <br />and are not lost or stolen, i"t is incumbent on the owner of the property to have <br />the vehicI.e removed. We will a�ssist to find the owner or party responszble <br />for the abandoned vehicie in order to heZp the owner of the property. <br />The Staie Patrol has a policy that requires Troopers discovering an abar�doned <br />vehicle on a freeway to do the following: First, if the vehicle is located <br />in a hazardous position or is interferring with the maantenance of the raad, <br />the Trooper is tio have the vehicle removed immediately_ Vehicles �hat are in <br />the traffic lane, on ramps, or on bridges are examples of vehicles that would <br />be towed immediateiy. . <br />Second, if the vehicle is not considered an immediate hazard, the Trooper marks <br />the vehicle. After a period of four hours has elapsed, the Trooper rechecks <br />the location. If the vehicle is e�ill there, he/she has the vehicie towed to a <br />place of safe keeping. <br />This policy is for yo�r information and should be kept in mind when you are � <br />working freeways or state highways, as �his policy also cavers aIl the s�ate ' <br />highways. <br />Procedure Statemen�: <br />� <br />The above policy is implemented by usin$ whatever towing service is available <br />or requested by the owner/driver of �he vehicle. It is important officers do <br />not pramote or favor one Tow Co►apany over another, or attempt to sway the <br />decision of an owner on whzch Tow Company to use. If asked for a recommendation, <br />the only response shauld include all three cor�panies meet the guidelines <br />established by our department, and they charge the same prices as estab3�ished <br />by those guidelines. Qn vehzcles removed without the owner's knowledge or <br />perarission, and for which we become responsible for the vehicle and its contents, <br />we wiZl use the following towing services on a weekiy rotation basis. <br />Art's Emergency Towing <br />Schoonover's Towing Service <br />Fairway Towing <br />23$4 Engiish Street �8�t-721$ <br />1Q60 W. Co. Rd. � 483-34bo <br />I25 W. Co. Rd. F �tg3_�p55 <br />Wl�en a person wants to claim a vehicle we�have impounded at our garage, he/she <br />a�ust first get ciearance from the Police IJepartment and then go to the Towing <br />Company, pay the bil.l and get a receipt. The receipt is then presented to the <br />Duty Sergeant or his designate, who will ichen release the vehic3.e. <br />