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,, <br />�. <br />m <br />Department: Parks & Recreati.on <br />Policy Tit1e: Coord.iization of Senior Citizen Clubs <br />Background Statement: The �irst lmseville Senior Cl.ub was organized <br />�n 1964. Since that time four additi.onal. clubs have organiz�d. There <br />az�e approxlmately IQO ± members in each cluh, with a iotal �rshzp <br />af approximately 56U as of this date. Roseville residents �oanprise 60� -- <br />65� of the r��t�rship in the five clubs. The purpose of �he Clubs zs ta <br />provid� social and xecreationa� oppor�unities to seniar citizens. Member- <br />ship is open �o persons who have passed �heis S9�h bir�hday. <br />Th� Seniox Gitizen Coordinator is em�loyed by the Ci�y and assists the <br />Clubs in p�annirzg, coordir�ating and a+dministering their activities. The <br />Coordina'tor devot.�s 4Q hours a week to Seni.or Cit�.zen activities. In <br />at3dition, other tn�ttbers of the Recreatian staff are in�lved eX.ther in <br />the prog�a�rm►? ng, clerica3., or taurs . rel.ated to the senior club acti.vities . <br />Po�ic� Stat�nent : It is t.he policy of the City to provide cx�ordination <br />assist�n.ce to the. R�sev�il2e Senior Citizen Clubs so that s�xch clubs may <br />effectinely provide socia]. and recreat-ic�nal opport�uii.tie5 t�o theix m�nbe�s. <br />City involve�nt with Senior C�.tizeri ac�i.vit-ies a�e. t,o k� clasely coozdin�- <br />ated wi�h Srhool District activities to avoid duplication a� ser�ices. <br /> Statement: The Parks and Rec�ation Departrnent publicizes the <br />senzar c�t�zen programs through the new�papers, City DT�wsletter, Cyplden <br />Retriev+er Newsletter (School Di:si�ict 623 publicatiarz) and mail' o� <br />brochures ta senior ci�izens. <br />�Author�ty: 'I�e 3.ev�I of coozdi.nation service is determined by the Cotaxtca,l <br />through the annual budget process. <br />Rev:�ec�ed by Council on 3-21-77 <br />