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DEPARTN�IT: Parks and Recreati.on <br />� .: <br />_- POLICY STATFI�4ENT: Ladies Day Out Program <br />: � d•�s � � �r i� <br />In 1974 the Rosevi7.1� Parks and R�crea.tion Depar�e,r�t beqan offering <br />Ladies Day Out trips. I� became evideni to the staff that this type <br />of recreatianal activity was des�.red by residents . Ih�itig the past <br />several years trips hav�e been taken through th� states of Minnesota, <br />Wisconsin and Illinois. Approxi,ma�ely 1,200 persons paxticipat.e earh <br />year. <br />�he purpose of Laclies Day put trips is to offer an opport�mity to <br />wives, or husbands and wives, to travel as a group to educational, <br />recreational and cultural activities, It� past years residents ar�d non- <br />residents were ar.cepied into the program a� the same fee. �is was <br />changed in 1978. Non-residents are nr�w c.harged a higher fee �han <br />residents. Mailings are sent out faur times per year announcing the <br />trips that hava been pZanned. <br />POLICY STATEN� ; .__. . . .. . .. . : . . :.:: ..:. .. <br />It is f,he policy o� the Czty of Rc�seville to offer, as part o� its <br />xecreation program, Laclies Day Out trips. F�es shall be charc�d for <br />these trips that will cover all cost-s attributed to th�m. � includes <br />sup�sviszon, transportation, n�a�s, admission, touxs, etc. Any rev�nu,es <br />�.; in excess of operatianal expenses for zndividu�al trips r„�iIZ � held in <br />resexve to cover tu�anticipat.ed Zosses which mic�t be incurr� on other <br />trips. Residents of Roseville will be charged a�ee that covers total <br />e�enses of the trip and will be giv+�n first prioriiy to reqister for <br />trips. �Non�ce��den�s wi11 lae char�ed �2.OQ pex trip. <br />t <br />PROCEDURE STATII�iT <br />7he policy will be i�lemented by mar�,agern�nt cantrol ovex e.xp�nditures, <br />reg�.stratians an,d stxict rules enforcemeszt of non-resident participation. <br />A thorough evaluation and accat�ntinq of each trip shall be made on the <br />propPx form. <br />AiJI'fiORITX <br />The Pr�sen� procedure for establishing location of trips and oost �.nwlved <br />rests with the Parks and Recreation Depari�nt. Anti.cipated costs axe <br />inciuded in the annual budget process. Adaption of the budget by the <br />Council has been the bas�s for yeneral approval of the trips planned and <br />costs zncuirred. <br />f <br />