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I.�partzt�ent: Pa`rks & Recx�eation <br />Palicy Title: Yc� Arena - Financial Operation <br />� Background Statem�nt: In ].968, Roseville votexs approved a bond re�e�end�t <br />for 4 0,0 0 to construct an ice arena. �'he bond issue on the ice arena <br />wa.s pro�mtecl on the basis �ha�. t-1�.e facility would }�e largely sel%supporting. <br />It was es�im3ted or pro3ected that the cost to the avc�xage hcan�cawner would be <br />approximately 85� a year. In rec�n� y�ars, the operation of the faca.lity has <br />becom� �.ess self-st�par-ting. Several factoxs have contribut�d to this trend <br />inc�.uding: Rapidly increasine� cost of operation (wages, supplies, utilities), <br />replac�nt of o�iginal ec�i�xnent; i.n�cxeasing need for maintenance as the <br />facili�.y ages; and increased compZeitian by the aonstructi.on of othes ice <br />arenas in the m�tropo�.itan area. <br />Policy State�nt: It is ttle palicy of the Czty to op�rate the �ce.Arena . <br />so that revenues from its sevPxal. acti_vi�ies shal� .be suff�cient ta cover <br />the direct operational exgenses o� such facility. Ftev�nues in excess of <br />opPSational experzses shall be reserved for current year unan�i.cipatsd main- <br />tenance, fia�ture years anfi.icipated inajor reglacem�rrts; or applied taward debt <br />servioe requirem�nts for th� Iae Arena. . _ <br />Procc.�d.ure Statement: �e policy ab�ective wzil be impiemented by exercising <br />str�..ngent manag�nt cantrols oves e�anc�itiares, aggr�ssive prc�ntion o� uxr <br />scned�aled �ce time, analyzing and �uture capital needs, and re- <br />oorxr�nding such ra'tes and charges �ha.t will provide the necessary revenu�s t� <br />sustain its opex'ational expenses . <br />- Authorit : T'he present prooedure far increasing rate.s ar�l charges has been <br />�F througiz e annual budget process. Adoption af the bt�dget has been the bas�s <br />£or im�l�nting such 'znc.reases by the Parks and R�c.t�eation Directo�:-. 7�ere <br />are no oxdinances or resolutions sp�cifically forth or regulating the <br />determ.ina�ion of ice arena rates ox ch��.rges . <br />� <br />Reviewed by Caxnci� on 3-21--77 <br />