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�.�::•. <br />���F <br />FROM: <br />SllB�iECT: <br />City Council <br />Jim Andre �/ <br />�Von-Resident Fee <br />June 2, 1980 <br />Policy for Recreation Programs <br /> the revised non-resident fee policy for Roseville sponsored <br />recreation programs. This is the po]icy as reviewed by the Council on <br />. March 10, 1980, except for thase non-resident fees relating to programs <br />�°'for the mentally disabled. -- - <br />, _. , __ <br />, <br />_ . _ -. <br />;_� � ,,._ <br />_ . , . .. . � <br />�>- 7he non-resident fees far the mentaliy disabled programs wili be determined <br />on an annual basis until th�programs are self--sustaining, ar at least more <br />self-sustaining than �h�y are at the present. - ,. <br />�. <br />[ 1 <br />x <br />� <br />These two programs have a high per participant cost because of tF�e degree <br />of supervision required. In addition, 50� of the participants in the <br />Saturday program are non-residents, and 7Q% of the Summer program are non- <br />residents {see attached}, <br />7he previous fee was $10.00 for resider�ts and $50.00 for non-residents. It <br />was believed necessary to continue with this fee, at the minimum, and very <br />-� possibley �ncrease bo�n the resident and non-resident fee for 1981. 7ota1 <br />estimated cosi of the two programs for 1980 is $6,580, of which $3,380 is <br />provided through �ees. The remaining $3,200 is provided for thraugh the <br />Rosevil�e property tax. The tax ievy percentage would not be of such con�ern, <br />if there wa5 nat the high proportion of non-residents to residents. <br />Another aiternative may be to request eacF� City, from which there are partici- <br />pants, to contribute a certain amount for each participant. It is understood <br />that this alternat�ve had been unsuccessfuily �ursued in the past. Nowever, <br />ihe effort could be re-pursued. <br />Fees would be revised for i981 and reflected in the proposed budget. The <br />new fees would be in the area of $20 -$25 for residents and $6Q -$75 for non- <br />residents. <br />Please call me if you have any questians abaut this memo or any of the attach- <br />r�ents. <br />At�. <br />