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Department: Parks & Recreation <br />f;;, Palicy Titie: Non-resident fees for Recreation Programs <br />Back round Stateme�i <br />Non-residents have been permitted to participate in Roseville recreation <br />programs for many years. This has been permitted far a number of reasons <br />and generally ta the benefit of the resident and non-resid�nt. In recent <br />years, hawever, the number of non-residents has s�gnificantly increased. <br />This coupled with increased res�dent participatian has requ�red a corres- <br />panding increase in program demands and expectations. As a result the <br />added administrative expenses have not been appropriately shared by non- <br />residents. Additional fees have been charged to non-residents in the recent <br />past, hut fihese have proved to be inadequate. <br />� Poli� -. <br />� It shali be the policy af the City to offer non-residents within School <br />_ District 623 an opportunity to participate in recreation programs at the <br />, . same fee as charged residents, if there is a contractual agreement between - <br />-. Rosevi7le and the r�or�-resident's City. As it relates to this and the - - <br />' � foliowfng policy provisians such "non-residents" will be considered "residents". <br />� <br />Nan-resident fees for the Summer Day Camp and Saturday programs for the <br />mentaliy disabled sha�l be determzned annually. The per participant cost <br />- �For these two programs are exceptionaliy high, and non-residents wi71 be <br />expected ta assum� a proportionately higher cost. -- <br />� ��' , • <br />�% <br />,= The non-resident fee policy for seniar citizens living within or outside <br />School District b23 has been suspended until further notice. <br />It shall be the policy to offer non-residents outside of the School District <br />623 an opportunity to participate under the fo o'i'i wing circumstances: <br />1. �Ion-residents outside of Schoa1 �istrict 623 wishing to be <br />members of Rosev—�fe Senior Citizen Clubs will be charged <br />t�e same r�embership fee as for non�resident seniors within <br />- the Schaol District 623. <br />2. If a particular recreation progr�.m wou2d be better servecl, a <br />non-resident outside of Schoo1 District 623 may parti�ipate with <br />the approval o t e arks and Recreation Director, and at a fee at <br />7east equa7 to that charged a non-resident within School District <br />623. <br />It shall be the poiicy that Roseville resid�nts (inciuding residents of <br />contracting cities� shall have priority over any non-resident participating <br />in recreation programs. <br />Excep� as otherwise noted above, all non-residents shall pay a non-resident <br />fee in an amount equivalent to the Administrative Cost to the Roseville tax- <br />payer per resi ent par�icipant. However, in 1980 the non-resident fee shall <br />�; be 62% of that amvunt, in 1981 3t wil7 be 85% of that amount and in 1982 it <br />will be 100� of that amount. <br />