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� <br />DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation <br />POLICY TITLE: Central Park Faunda�ion <br />BACKGR�UND STATEMENT <br />The Central Park Foundation was formed in 1964. The original <br />members of this group were appointed by the Ci.ty Council. <br />Their sole purpose is to razse money or seek donated services <br />toward the deveZopment af t�e RoseviZZe Central Park. <br />� The Cen�ral Park Foundation has crEated a women's auxiliary <br />; with approximately 200 members and a youth auxiliary of about <br />_ ,50 members that aid in raising funds £or the Central Park. <br />. The Foundation and AuxiZiary hold various fundraising activi�ies, __ <br />� - such as the Central. Park Bal1, Home Tour, cookbook and stationery <br />sales, etc. AZZ funds are kept in a separa�Ce accoun� administered <br />by the Centra2 Park Foundation. Projects are selected by this <br />graup from a list provided by the Park and Recreation Department. <br />During the past I.5 years, approximately $300,aoo in actual cash � <br />has been raised by the Auxiliary and Foundation. <br />r_� POLICY . <br />'� <br />it sha�l be the policy of the �ity to a11ow the Central Park <br />_ Foundation to raise fun,ds and donated services toward the <br />development of the Central Park, to administer their own bank <br />acc�oun� and to recorrtmend to the Park and Recreati.on ComFnit�ee <br />. and City Counci�, present and future developmen� in the park, The <br />City sha�l provide a master development plan for rhe Foundation <br />to use as a guide for future development. <br />The Cen�raZ Park Foundarion shall be responsible for organizing an <br />auxiliary group to aid in �his endeavor. The Parks and Recreation <br />Direc�or wi�l serve as an ex-officio me�ber to the Foundation, <br />AVI�.H.ORITY � V <br />The Central. Park Fo�ndation was established by the City Council. <br />The by--laws and constitu�zc�n�_.. of this group wer.e .approved by �=• <br />the City Attorney. AI1 major development plans for Central Park <br />are to be approved by the City Council. The Central Park Master <br />Plan shall be used as a guide taward deve�oprRent. <br />� � <br />0 <br />