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CHAPTER 7 <br />MISCELLANEOUS T4PICS <br />Right-of-Way Easements <br />For a pipefine company to construct and maintain a pipeline through a piece of <br />property, the company has to either own the property or secure a right-of-way <br />easement from the property owner. Such easements allow pipeiine company personnel <br />ar�d equipment access to the property for the purposes of laying/reiaying pipe, <br />inspection, clearing, repairing, and maintaining the pipeline. <br />Qver the years, such easements have changed from a description of a greater section <br />of land to a smaller parcel of prope�ty. A typicaf right-of-way easement is as follows: <br />RIGHT QF WAY AGREEMENT <br />For and in consideration of the sum of $ , paid by Pipe Line <br />Company of , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledge <br />does hereby grant to Pipe Line Company, its <br />successors or assigns, the right to lay maintain, operate, re-lay and remove at any time <br />a pipe line or pipe lines #or the transportation of oil or oil products, gas and water, and if <br />necessary, to erect, maintain, operate and remove telegraph and telephone lines, witF� <br />right of ingress and eg�ess to and from the same, on, over and through certain lands <br />situate in the County of and State of and described as follows: <br />Section , Township , Range <br />Property owners wishing to know about pipeline easements on their property should <br />read the abstract for their property. <br />Encroachment <br />Webster defines encroachmeni as the gradual intrusion or infringement upon the <br />proper�y or rights of another. An example of encroachment is shown in Figure 6. <br />U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipelir�e Safety Regulations req�ire pipeline <br />operators to have and implement a program to observe surface conditions on and <br />adjacent to the pipeline right-of-way for leaks, construction activity, and other factors <br />affecting pipeline safety and operation. <br />Line Markers <br />DOT Pipeline Safety Regulations 192 and 195 require line markers to be placed and <br />7-'E <br />