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maintained for both natural gas transmission pipelines and for hazardous liquids <br />pipelines afong the route of the line. Typical line markers in Roseville are shown in <br />Figures 4 and 5. <br />Although the reguiations delineate specifc crossing locations siach as public roads, <br />railraads, ar�d bodies of water for line markers, certain exceptions exist. For exampie, <br />in heavily developed areas, and in the case of natural gas pipelines where a damage <br />prevention program {Gopher State One-Call) is in p#ace, exceptions are permitted. <br />Line markers are required to carry a warning, caution, or danger notice as we![ as the <br />operator's name and a telephone number where the operator can be reached at all <br />times. <br />Setback From a Pipeline <br />D�T Pipeline Safety regulations state that no new hazardous liquid pipeiine may be <br />located within 50 feet of any private dwelling, industrial building, or place of public <br />assembly unless the pipeline is provided with at least 12 inches of cover in addition to <br />that specified in Subpart D of the regulations. <br />The State of Minnesota has published Model Setback Rules effective July 1991. The <br />rules state that buifdings and places of pubEic assembly subject to the Rules shall not <br />be cons#ructed c[oser to a pipeline than the boundary of the pipeline easement. <br />The Rukes are � to new construction and unless a community de�elops its awn <br />setback ordinance, the State rules apply. <br />The City of Maplewoad's Pipeline Setback Ordinance states that ali newly crea#ed <br />buildings and newly crea#ed building lats shall accommodate a setback of at least 100 <br />feet from a pipeiine. <br />Buildings, pipelines, and variances are delineated in the ordinance. <br />High Voitage Electric Transmission Lines <br />As shown in Figure 12, Northem States Power Company has constructed two high <br />voltage electric transmission lines through Roseville. One of these ii�es operates at <br />115,OQQ volts, the other at 345,000 vofts. <br />A comparison of F�gures 11 and 12 will show that in some areas of Rasev�lle one or <br />both of the electric transmission lines are in the same corridor as the Amoco Pipeline <br />Company and/or Williams Pipe �ine Company's pipelines_ tn these areas, tt�e electric <br />transmission iines are virtually above or in close proximity to the pipelines as shown in <br />Figures 2 and 7. <br />7-2 <br />