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Northem States Power Company's (NSP) Rose Place Electric Substation <br />Northern States Power Company owns and operates an electrica! substation just west <br />of Roseville's Fire Station on Fairview Avenue. This substation is connected to NSP's <br />1 f 5,000 voli transmission line and provides e�ectric power to Rosedale, the <br />Crossroads, and the Rosedafe Commons shopping malls. <br />Two large power transformers, two bus tie circuit breakers with remote control and <br />automatic reclosir�g features plus remote controlled line-bus and tap switches are <br />arranged as shown in Figure 18. This arrangement provides a high reliability scenario <br />for maintaining electric power to the shopping malls from a dedicated substation. <br />Supenrisory Controf and Data Acquisition {SCADA) equipment at NSP's DeEivery <br />Operations Control Center permit NSP system operators to control and observe switch <br />and circuit breaker staius at the substation. <br />Community Awareness Emergency Response {CAER) Program <br />The CAER program is a concept deveioped in 1985 by the Chemical Manufacturers <br />Association (CMA) in response to the tragedy in Bhopal, India. For CMA, this incident <br />demanstrated the need to increase the level of awareness and preparedness for. <br />emergencies in communities. <br />CAER is a program to promote cooperation between the public and private sectors in <br />matiers of emergency planning and response. The goa{ is for industry and goverr�ment <br />to jointly devefop an agreed-upon community plan for improved protection of lives, <br />property and the environment in the event of release of hazardous materials or natural <br />disassters. <br />Minnesota has embraced tF�e concept of CAER with the development of various grou}�s <br />over the past few years. The first official Minnesota CAER group was Wakota CAER, <br />formed in 1985, covering the southern Washington and northern Dakota counties area. <br />Wakota CAER has over 35 member representatives, including industry, IocaE, county <br />and state government, Red Cross, U.S. Coast Guard, educators, public safety officials <br />and others responsible for safety, health and environmentaf protection. <br />Since that time, other groups have been formed in the Fridley area, St. Cloud area, <br />Steele County, and Duluth. <br />Each CAER group must develop its own program unique to the geographic area it <br />covers and the types of hazardous materials it may encounter, but there are some <br />general guiding principles common to all CAER groups, including: <br />7-3 <br />